The idea of ​​unconditional base income UBI-with cryptocurrency MANNA

The idea of ​​unconditional base income is gaining ever greater support worldwide. In Google, you can find a wealth of material explaining the idea in detail.
"Manna is the first universally accessible, alternative crypto-flood, driven by people.
No matter who you are or where you are from, we think you have a basic human right to participate in money supply. Mannabase is an online platform for the first Universal Basic Income encryption currency.
Manna is distributed by the People's Currency Foundation as a basic human right that everyone in the world can get for free. Founded in 2015, Manna has achieved a milestone in the encryption currency movement since the first block-based currency is created and distributed by a tax-exempt non-profit organization and the first digital currency to introduce Universal Basic Income as the primary method of distribution, "
Manna's price is determined by the free market of the SouthXchange online stock exchange
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