ChangeNow exchange of blockchain-based safe & transparent cryptocurency

What is ChangeNow?

ChangeNow is a platform that allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies without a registration, in just a few simple and easy steps. So, for example, if you want to change your Bitcoin into Ethereum, you would be able to use ChangeNow to do this easily and efficiently. This service is extremely desirable for large volumes of people because many people like to quickly exchange one type of cryptocurrency for another. This is either to make quick reactions to changing market conditions, or simply because people prefer one cryptocurrency over another.

Why ChangeNow?

There are many reasons why you should strongly consider using ChangeNow if you have a need to exchange various cryptocurrencies. First, ChangeNow was created by highly experienced blockchain developers and it works very well. Second, ChangeNow exchanges happen extremely quickly and reliably. In fact, ChangeNow transactions typically only take a few minutes. Third, with change now, you do not need to enter any sort of personal information. This is because ChangeNow does not require you to create an account. This makes using ChangeNow safer than other alternatives which do require you to create an account. No account and no personal information means a dramatically reduced risk of fraud and identity theft. Finally, there are no minimum amounts required for exchanging on ChangeNow. So, even if the amount of money that you want exchanged is very small, you will be able to get it exchanged on ChangeNow.

How it Works

To use ChangeNow, you will first have to start out with some cryptocurrency of your own. The first step is to select the cryptocurrency that you would like to exchange. You can choose Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. The next step is to enter your wallet address. After that, you must confirm that your address information is correct, so make sure that you have filled in all the characters correctly. Next, you will be given a cryptocurrency address to deposit the funds you would like exchanged into. Following this, you should send the amount of cryptos that you want exchanged to that wallet. After you do this, ChangeNow will find the best exchange rate out of 10 cryptocurrency exchanges, and exchange your cryptocurrency. Finally, the new cryptocurrency will be sent to your wallet. It is a very simple process and it does not require you to complete any sort of registrations. This makes it exceptionally convenient.

Common Problems With Exchanges And ChangeNOW Solutions

Although Cryptocurrency industry is mainly focussed on decentralization, there are many centralized services controlling users’ shares. These centralized exchanges and hosted wallets hold a lot of users’ funds, keeping the Cryptocurrency dealers at risk. ChangeNow is seeking to decentralized the sector and give the users more control of their funds.

The centralization that has developed in the sector is associated with security problems. There have been cases of hacking in many of these exchanges. Furthermore, human error and technological failures that can lead to loss of funds are also common. ChangeNOW has gone through various multiple penetration tests to ensure they are safe. The project will mainly rely on decentralization technologies to minimize human error and any attack will only affect the involved user.

Although Cryptocurrencies thrive on the promise of transparency, most of the services in the sector are not transparent in their internal operations. Moreover, there is high secrecy about their implementation details. ChangeNOW is promising to be open and transparent in its operations and implementations.

Most Cryptocurrencies and services have various usability issues. Inexperienced users find it challenging to deal with keys, addresses, and hashes among others. ChangeNOW will rely on technology to enhance usability. Besides, the project will prioritize any detail that may help in simplifying the exchange process.

ChangeNow will be constantly working to enhance and improve its services by introducing new features. For instance, the customers can easily exchange over 100 coins and buy them with fiat.

ChangeNOW will give users more control of their funds than the current exchanges. The project is developing towards decentralizing the exchange.

There are complaints about lack of convenient and user-friendly virtual currency exchanges mobile apps. ChangeNOW is developing a mobile app to allow its clients to use their services using their most popular devices.

ChangeNOW will be a fully decentralized exchange system. The system will allow decentralized trade between users (peer to peer) to take place via an automated process. One of the main assets on this platform will be NOW Token.


  • Ticker: NOW
  • Full name: ChangeNOW Token
  • Type: ERC20 Token
  • Total supply: 200,000,000 NOW
  • Decimals: 8
  • Minimum investment: $50,000
  • Maximum investment: $500,000

ChangeNow is on Twitter where it interacts with the public. The company uses the platform to communicate important details about the project. Those with questions about the project can use the platform as the company responds on time.

ChangeNow Review

ChangeNow is extremely handy. The more mainstream that cryptocurrencies become, the more need there will be for people to exchange different cryptocurrencies. Because ChangeNow is so convenient and does not require a signup, there is a very good chance that many people will flock to it for exchanging cryptocurrencies. Overall, this ICO is very exciting. ChangeNow could become a well-recognized brand in the cryptocurrency industry. This is true as long as it can avoid being hacked or having other high profile scandals.


Given that the number of Cryptocurrency users is expected to grow, ChangeNOW remains one of the best projects to invest. The project is expected to have a high number of users due to its ease of use






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