To Hodl, Or Not To Hodle. That Is The Question.

I've traded a few thousand Dollars on Binance, buying shitcoins, selling shitcoins. Making profits, losing profits. Day trading all these alts is exhausting! Are you wondering if what you are holding is gonna pay off? Of course you are! We all are. Let me tell you what I did and why.

(These are strictly my experiences and opinions.) Some of the quickest profits I've made are from coins I've never even heard of. But as soon as I start hodling them, I see my account value go down quick. If you are quick to buy, you should be quick to sell. If I am slow to buy, that means i'm more cautious and have put more research into what I'm buying.


Here is a screenshot from everything I hold on my Binance account (with values cropped out ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬). I've made it to a point where I KNOW about the company and BELIEVE in what they are doing. When you feel that way, you're more willing to Hodl. That being said, I've lost a pretty good amount of money recently from what I hold now, But i still hold because I have faith in these currencies gradually growing over the years. (especially after the January contracts are up)

Comment below with what you are holding or not holding, and why!


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