They Will Make You Hate Bitcoin - Post Removed!

How Easy We Forget

We have all heard the rumors that not just the crypto currency market but also the Gold & Silver market is being manipulated. How easy is it to shrug this thought aside and charge forth on the path familiar to us? It seems like this is just our nature and we will never break free from this bondage because the mind is powerful and by controlling what we see we are controlled. It is astonishing to know that the markets are bent to the will of the bankers yet people still think we can analyze graphs to see where the price will go.

(Image Source - FinanceMagnates)

Proof of Market Manipulation

The most detailed description I have found on market manipulation is one of @lukestokes posts - Did You Know You're Part of a Financial War?.

In this post he describes the War Of The Currencies and your part in the battle.

The most interesting part however is an article he refers to that was written by Super Crypto on the Medium platform - 4th Dimension: Bitcoin-Manipulation-Cartel — Price-Suppression is their Goal which explains the dip and pulls it through to Gold and Silver. This, for me, is by far the best explanation of the current situation because in the real world (one outside the programme) Gold & Silver is the only true money out there.

His account was suspended and I had to search the Wayback Machine to dig up his post again. New link here

Most notable in Super Crypto's post was:

There is another option: Price suppression

This works far better than banning anything. When price suppression happens 1) most of the people reject there is anything wrong or malicious about the price drop (even though the fundamental are strong in favor of the asset). In fact, those point out the suppression are called “conspiracy theorists” 2) As price keeps dropping people start despising the asset. See what happened to Gold and Silver since 2011. The more it dropped the more people hated it. Many Gold bugs sold precious metals at the bottom and switched over to Bitcoin and Crypto (when it was at the top.) This exactly what “they” want the retail investor to do as “they” collect more of it at the lower prices.

They will make you hate Bitcoin just like they did with Gold & Silver

We Hit Our Heads Every Day!

We make the same mistakes almost daily because we are emotional and we allow people to work with our emotions. If you still don't believe this then perhaps you need to stop watching TV for just a week because that is where the problem starts. We are all aware of the FUD on Main Steam Media (MSM) which is an organized attack on crypto currencies.

It has been proven throughout history that everything we struggle with whether it be military, diplomatic, intelligence, scientific or economic can best be resolved by applying the famous words of John F. Kennedy.

For the bankers

The very word banker is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people, inherently and historically opposed to the banking society, the banking system and the banking thievery.
(Image Source - MilitantLibertarian)

We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted dilution of hard earned fiat, far outweighs the dangers which are sighted to justify it.

Even today, there is not much intrinsic value of any fiat note and traditionally we measure our wealth in the amount we hold.

Even today we hold dear to ourselves this worthless peace of paper and we are convinced it will ensure the survival of our nation.

And there is very grave danger to which most are oblivious as they continue to dilute your fiat to the very limits of an economic system. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control.

And no friend of the people, whether his rank is high or low should attempt to sensor plans of the bankers or attempt to withhold the facts the people deserve to know.

For we are opposed around the world by an unfair banking system that relies primarily on brute tactics to expand their fear of influence. On invasion instead of peace, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night and armies by day.
(Image Source - Anonymous)

It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly nit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, scientific and political operations.
(Image Source - Twimg)

Its preparations are concealed not published. It mistakes are buried, not headlined. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed and no secret revealed.

I am not asking for assistance in the form of money but I am asking for your help to inform the people of this world. For I have complete confidence of the response and dedication of every person whenever he is fully informed.

We must strive for better coverage of international news, for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local.

Everyone on this planet must meet their obligation to provide, the fullest possible report of information as we all look to each other for strength and assistance, confident that united we can live like we were born to live!

Free and Independent!

John F. Kennedy Original Speech to the newspaper publishers.

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