Dear Internet...


it has been a weird week!

I've got a lot of stuff done and most of it wasn't exactly fun but much needed progress on some uncomfortable things.

Like revisiting things that have to be addressed around

  • my "retirement" with the "German Federal Pension Fund".
  • Discussions with the counterparty liability insurance from my motorcycle accident to smoothen interactions and processes around damage payments they have to take care of and such.

While I took care of this, the realization set in that I'm now really almost early retired for the moment.


All that stuff I always thought about doing and couldn't do because of me being a huzzling work horse looks down at me like... "bring it bish"!

Really? Now that I could throw up my legs on an recliner to just hang and binge "The Sopranos" once again for instance... the back of my head starts getting all pushy about my bucket list like I seriously meant all that I slapped on there?

Be careful what you wish for much?

That nagging, pushy part of my brain has to know that I couldn't have been serious with all that shit, right?

Nope, doesn't seem like it so I'm starting to plan some stuff, baby step like, that I can do and cross off of that "If I had the time I def. would do that" list.

A bunch of activities are out of question thanks to the V for now but most things could be started immediately.

So let's see...

I wont bore you with hours of bucket list points and I still have a little time before the choir and "honey could you please" things are done. So it'll take a while before I get to the fun parts on my list.

  • Were moving to an other house over the course of the next few months
  • and I have loads of paper work
  • and other stuff I have to fight my way through like
  • taxes, German and US income tax declaration,
  • paper document digitization,
  • document archive hygiene with destruction of records, this especially is going to be a hell lot of work since I haven't done that for ages,
  • investment consolidation,
  • crypto portfolio hygiene,
  • upping OpSec at home like new firewalls and threat detection/prevention,
  • clean up my little bike workshop and the garden shed and a bunch of other minor tasks I've successfully procrastinated in the last years.

I'm great, like a master with excuses for not taking care of these too but my long haired boss at home looks right through these carefully constructed phony excuses like she knows me for 35 years or so. 🤷‍♂🤣

But when all this is taken care of I'll start with prioritizing the bucket list stuff!

One spot that itches me for a long time is the idea I had to start a motorcycle vlog on youtube or even better on maybe?

A mix of motorcycle stuff, regional travel here in Germany and maybe gradual extending this to little trips all over Europe, while also having an eye on other stuff that I'm interested in like infosec, crypto and cars.

Giving my views and 2 sats on what I experience while taking the bike to interesting places and being all over the place with whatever else pops into my weird degen mind. 😏

I've already bought some equipment like GoPro's, mics, accessories, new cam viable helmets, a dual cam motorcycle dashcam system and so on. I even managed to play around a little with that stuff but especially the editing of recorded footage, or getting the sound right while on the bike are only two tip of the iceberg challenges I'm facing to get this thing going.

So, that's what I had to get off my chest for now. I know I'm all over the place with this but I also tend to overthink and then kill such idea's and maybe I should just do it and see were it leads to!?

What are you thinking? Would this be something you'd be interested in? Let me know down in the comments and maybe shoot me an upvote and a reblog? I would greatly appreciate your support!😍🖤



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