Setup My Crypto Office - What's exciting you today in Crypto?

Good morning Steemians. Im sipping some Yerba Mate and listening to some of Andreas Antonopolous's videos on the lightning network.

I finally got my office setup nicely with dual monitors, so I am back into the research zone.

What is exciting you all in the cryptocurrency space right now?

For me, it is all of the development happening on the lightning network. I'm planning on getting a Litecoin Lightning Node setup on a raspberry pi sometime in the near future just to play and learn a bit more.

I am also enjoying watching these Bitcoin price movements. Lately that's the only coin that I have even followed the price on. It seems everything else simply moves with it. Let's see if that 5500 bottom can hold support again.

In the past, I've focused on short term movements, but now I am starting to focus on the Macro trends. The things I am doing in crypto today are hopefully going to set me up nicely around 2022. Things appear much easier when looking at a 4year time table. It filters out a lot of the noise.

How are you all enjoying this bear market? How are you staying busy and on top of your crypto game during it?

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