I am done with de NavPi!? New selfmade image for the Nav

Hi All!

You know i am running some Pi's with staking coins.
The first Pi i installed is the one with Navcoin, they got an image you can download named NavPi.
You can navigate from another machine with a web interface so its very easy and you don't need a keyboard or mouse on you're Pi.
It is working very well but the last half year it is crashing a lot. The reason is the 1GB memory on the Pi or the block chain from Navcoin is to big.
So when a Pi has downtime i write it in a sheet to see which Pi is not running great.
This year i got 6 times the NavPi with most time the issue that navcoind that's the daemon for the wallet is not running so you don't stake and the wallet is down.
Most time i have to reboot a few times because the navcoind starts and shutdown because it is running out of memory.
They give you the option to use USB swap to fix the out of memory issue. I tried this here:


But it is not helping a lot. In the discord they are busy to make an image for a board like the Raspberry Pi but with more memory (2GB/4GB). Maybe when its done i buy one but for now i want to use my Pi!
So the original NavPi image got an GUI and a Web service. So my plan is to install a Raspbian Stretch Lite and just install the CLI wallet.
Here are the steps to install this wallet:

Complete OS settings:

  1. sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get upgrade / sudo apt-get clean
  2. passwd (set up the password for the user pi)
  3. run raspi-config (expand SD card, split memory 16MB for video)


Install the Wallet

  1. cd /home/pi/
  2. wget https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/releases/download/4.5.2/navcoin-4.5.2-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
  3. mkdir NAV
  4. tar xvf navcoin-4.5.2-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
  5. wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/navcoin-bootstrap/bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar (got this from reddit, so thanks!)
  6. cd NAV/
  7. cd navcoin-4.5.2/
  8. cd bin
  9. ./navcoind &
  10. ./navcoin-cli -datadir=/home/pi/.navcoin4 stop
  11. cp bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.ta /home/pi/.navcoin4/
  12. cd /home/pi/.navcoin4/
  13. tar xvf bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar (this takes some time)
  14. cd /home/pi/NAV/navcoin-4.5.2/bin/
  15. ./navcoind &

Now is the daemon running and syncing the block chain. With the bootstrap it don't has to download the chain from zero.

Use the wallet
Using the CLI wallet is very simple. The only thing you to do remind is to be in the folder where the wallet is installed.

  1. cd /home/pi/NAV/navcoin-4.5.2/bin/
  2. ./navcoin-cli getinfo (here you can if the wallet is running and when its done downloading the block chain.

Here are some useful commands:

Get staking info:
./navcoin-cli getstakinginfo


Get stake report:
./navcoin-cli getstakereport


Get wallet info:
./navcoin-cli getinfo


Enable staking:
./navcoin-cli walletpassphrase "youre wallet password" 99999999 true

I copied my wallet.dat file with WinSCP. When you got a backup wallet.dat you can upload the file in:

Now my up time is 7days and the wallet is running for 7days. I hope this works better than the NavPi image.
Normally i get a stake every 7-10 days, now my last stake is from more than a month ago. This week with new installation i got already 2 stakes :)!

When you have question please let them know in the comments! Happy staking and happy easter!

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