Maui DemiGod like Patience For BO$$ Profits

One of the Legendary lines of investing by Warren Buffet is "The ... market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient." Maui the Disney character played by "Dwayne The Rock Johnson" in Moana waited 1000 years to get back to his goal after stealing the heart of Tahiti. After finally getting back to where he was, he far exceeded it by saving Moana's Village and becoming a Legend to not only himself but to the people. Hopefully we do not have to wait that long, but staying patient is important to keeping the market from leaving you out to sea.

After months of green to a market high of almost $850 Billion in market cap, we hit a strong pull back that left many newbies like Moana stuck on the island afraid to venture out to sea. We now seem to be in a trading range with very little movement. These are the times to believe in your picks, and have the attitude "Don't mess with Maui when he's on the break-away", have the guts to ladder add to your positions at significant discounts to previous highs. The market will eventually reach new highs as many experts believe the crypto market will far exceed $2 Trillion in the short/medium term and potentially long term even up to $20 Trillion.

When there is blood in the waters, be the shark, not the chum. Don't be Maui when he was unsure of his powers. While some have turned negative, those who have been in he game a while are smart enough to know that this is not the first time we have seen this. While past results are not indicative of future results, each time we have seen major corrections, the crypto market has come back stronger in a matter of weeks or months. (Unfortunately days feel like weeks and weeks feel like months in Crypto) In the end, The Crypto game calls me "I am Moana of Montunui and you will go to the moon, that's how far I'll go."

Don't be the one who allows others to transfer your future profits. If you stay steady and don't over trade, you may read this again only to hear "Your Welcome" as your sailing away with your BO$$ Profits. AND THANK YOU.


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*This is not financial advice, just my opinion
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