Great Gatsby Dreams = BO$$ Profits

Some are in the crypto space to change the world; some are in crypto for the eventual Scissor door Lambo, but regardless of which one you are, one thing is for sure; after the recent gut wrenching market correction, most in the crypto space want to prove to their friends and the world I told you so. This could be your J, J Gatsby moment where maybe you can't change the past, but "of course you can" change your future! So raise your glass J Gatsby style and cheers to more than tripling tokens of projects you believed in just weeks ago with every investment!! "Old Sport."


In my experience, the key to long term investment success is picking investments that you believe in (after you do the proper due diligence instead of hearing it from the 3rd cousin of the keiser and 2nd cousin of the devil) so you will stick around long enough to survive the lows and reap the highs. Having the utmost confidence allows you to pull the trigger when prices are low to dollar cost average while also not freak out to panic sell. When you know that your investment is likely to succeed long term due to industry trends, measurable metrics, utility and future value, you are able to keep the long term mindset through the process and see the party light at the end of the tunnel. "A little party never killed nobody" Just make sure with your investment that choices its not a light of the train at the end of the tunnel coming to run you over. (FYI, this goes without saying, If you invest more than you can afford to lose, that's gambling not investing. Sometimes I forget that in Crypto that has to even be mentioned)


The good news, even though I am not a psychic and this is not financial advice, we are already down significantly. (In some cases an unfathomable 60-85% in most industries, but this is CRYPTO!!) Many of the projects are exactly the same they were a month ago and nothing has fundamentaly changed other than they are further along towards their goals but now valued less. A few examples: Bitshares hit $1. People were ecstatic to buy it at $.30, $.40, $.50, $.65, $.85 etc... It is now available at $.16 or more than a 5-1 special. Digibyte exploded to $.05, $.075, $.10, $.15 and is now available at $.026. Last time this happened, we saw 20X Returns with the snap of a finger. If in the end the project is the same and one could argue actually closer to reaching its potential, this is the opportunity to dollar cost average for the next bull run. All the signs of growth from a fundamental standpoint (I am not a trader) are still in tact for the crypto industry to rebound and continue its growth trajectory with the countless media exposure, increased adoption and breakthrough technologies. We are in the beginning process so there will be bumps and bruises, but if we can compare this technology revolution to the last one, we still have a ways to go. If it was worth abandoning ship, we should jumped a long time ago. To this point, after every significant retracement, we have seen a rebound and when the market eventually rockets, it does so faster then the Hydroplane. Many tokens need 3-5X returns just to reach where they were 2 months ago. Also from a market cap perspective, many long term investments of those that will make it are still generally small for the potential they bring to the table long term leading to major upside in 2018 and beyond.

As I mentioned before, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, but if you truly believe in crypto long term, the likelihood of its future value passing its all time high of over $700 Billion is rather high. One important factor to remember is that as the market matures, the probability is high that individual projects will correlate more with its own true value vs fluctuating solely on FUD, News, or on whether Bitcoin moves up or down. Many experts believe the blockchain and crypto revolution will one day surpass the internet bubble which reached $7 Trillion. So the question isn't if the market will come back, the question is are you positioned properly for the ride when it does? "My life, my life has to be like this. It has to keep going up"

If you stay the course and we build this community together, being early adopters we will be able to hit all goals of why you started and ultimately stayed in the game. The community will revolutionize the way the world does business, regain total individual freedom physically and financially, and for those that wanna fly, pull up in that drop top Lambo without an IOU and say I told you so!


Here are the names I have been adding and will be looking to add over the next few weeks. Leave a comment with what you are adding in this longer term horizon accumulation phase!

Added to my holdings this past week:
Bitcoin - The King (Picked up at $8650)
Stellar Lumens - Decentralized payment network w/ Strategic Partnerships
NEO - Platform in Largest market w/ ICO's, Smart Contracts, DAPPS, DEX, etc..
Digibyte - Fast, Secure, Cheap Payments w/ Fastest, Longest Blockchain
Bitshares - Decentralized Exchange & Bank (Moving onto EOS Platform)
Steem - Social Media / Content (Most active Blockchain)
EOS - Commercial Grade Platform w/ Horsepower - $1 Billion Investment backing for partnerships in coordination with Mike Novogratz

Looking to add:

Although we have a ways to go, I will eventually see you back on the moon


*This is not financial advice, and is for entertainment purposes only.

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