Is this a BEAR market or just a DEEP correction?

When asking this question, there are a few things to consider. Taking a quick look, we can see the following:

BITCOIN has been holding up pretty decent, recently, with the price being around 2431 $. The variation as it can be seen below, is around 3.41%:

Bitcoin price and evolution.

ETHEREUM on the other hand had a big break up, going directly around 220 $, meaning a 8.5% fall.

Ethereum price and evolution.

Now back on BITCOIN:
The first run of BTC this year started from January and lasted until March. The ride accounted for a 70% rise in the price, along the way. After that, a 30% pull back corrected the market at the end of March.
Starting with May, we had another powerful pull-up forcing the top with 3000 $, as you can see in the graph bellow. After that, it had a pull-down to the value of 2400 $ meaning a 20% decrease.

So far, this is a correction; a one month correction, but in no case this is a bear market. Bear market meas months and months of prices going down, with deeps of -40 or -50%, even worse sometimes.

Bitcoin support lines and trends.

ETHEREUM on the other hand, has performed a bit different. Looking at the last few days, we could saw a struggle for ETH to consolidate, but a major break-up happened as you can see in the graph bellow (area inside black circle). That was a big move influencing other alt-coins and we could saw big drops and that some big support levels were broken.

It is possible in the near future the decline trend to continue, but let's put a Fibonacci on that graph. Fibonacci represents some key rations that have been points of supports on the retracement or resistance on a bounce, depending how you look at it.

Ethereum Fibonacci indicators, support lines, trends and future scenarios.

The firs possibility is for ETH to reach the prior low, at 215 $ and bounce back, with the condition that down trend line will be broken.

If that doesn't happen, we will reach next bottom, at 165 $ and we will have a VERY DEEP CORRECTION. If the bottom of 165 $ is reached, we will see some really big sell-offs, because, at the moment ETH is the leader of alt-coins market. They are going to move in tandem: ETH and alt-coins.

For deciding if we are in a bear market, everyone should answer at following questions:

  1. What is the general trend?
    Short answer: Down-trend
  2. Where is the most recent top/ bottom?
    See graphics above.
  3. Where are we relative to that?
    See graphics above.
  4. Are we forming a new trend?
    No, not yet.
  5. Where are the support and the resistance zones?
    See graphics above.
  6. Do we see a pattern or a base?
    We could see a possible double bottom (See graphics above)
  7. Crosscheck other indicators.
    Fibonacci, other historiography/ graphs

    Regarding this short analysis, ultimately, you are the person investing money. Interpret graphs, think, analyze and never forget: don't ever lose more money you can afford.


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