Haejin's Sandbox #2 - 19.12.17

Welcome to the second installment of Haejin's Sandbox.

The purpose of the blog is for followers of Haejin (or anyone else of course) to post their charts in the comment section, and ask any questions related to those charts. I go into a little more background in the first installment.

I hope that the community’s collective knowledge will serve to help everyone become better at this craft.

The blog is NOT intended to serve as a collection of requests to Haejin.

Remember, this is definitely NOT investment advice, this is simply a place where I hope we can all learn a little more about Technical Analysis.

Here are some useful links:

Haejin’s blog

Official Home of Haejin’s Archives

Markdown Cheatsheet, which is really helpful for posting.

For this installment, I thought I would give my thoughts on QTUM to kick things off. Please tell me why I'm wrong or why I'm right, and post your own work in the comments, on QTUM or anything else.

I am sticking with a short term chart, and I think there is a little more upside. Looks to me like it has already broken out of the triangle after blue wave (4). I think an alternate would be for blue wave (3) to be (5)...

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