EPIPHANY [EPN] | Using the NEO Blockchain to Change the Scope of How Exchanges Work

Goals for the Present:


The EPIPHANY platform acts as a blockchain ecosystem which enables each user to trade with the confidence and security they deserve. The seamless transactions in real time in line with the transparency of how the blockchain works creates a trustworthy and compliant product worthy of immnse notice.

A handful of exchanges globally are running the crypto market as they have all the holdings; EPIPHANY seeks to end any sort of monopolization with its own reliable and lightning fast exchange in which people can depend on security and seamlessness without inordinate tax.

Security Precations (KYC and AML Protocol):


As stated in the EPIPHANY Whitepaper, KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) models will be programmed into the ecosystem to provide swift and thorough identification of any and every investor that chooses to utilize their wallet. Biometrics, a type of Artificial intelligence will be used to provide maximal security as well. Features such as facial recognition, voice-recording, and fingerprinting will become viable security components and in turn will prevent third parties (like hackers) from being able to break in. For complete assurance, one must know that no transaction will occur on the trading platform without the authentication process of the digital identity programming. This type of security is second to none!

Cross-Platform Trading

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EPIPHANY caters to all its users, and there is the realization that many trades will be broadcasted cross-platform as different traders have different intentions for which assets they'd like to attain. In reference to the Whitepaper directly, "the system is designed in a way that no platform will affect the other. Transactions are executed within
seconds of initiation with low transaction fees." This can provide an incredible ease to the user's state of mind as there won't have to be queued waits or uncessary delays (post-dump for example).

MultiPurpose Ecosystem


The EPIPHANY ecosystem is not only a trading ground for users, it is also a search engine for those seeking digital assets of all sorts. There is also a possible misconception that may arise in that EPIPHANY seeks to be a sole enterprise. This is quite contrary to the truth, and although past exchanges have seemed to try to become a conglomerate of sorts EPIPHANY seeks to change the complexion of that completely. There is an aim to form an alliance with other trading platforms, and in turn EPIPHANY would become a cross-platform trading system (in which investors can trade on all relevant platforms on the ecosystem as long as the user is registered on the initial EPIPHANY system).

Super AI and Investment Options


The Super AI will automatically detect system loopholes and in turn implement intelligent optimizations. The Super Engine along with AI and core database are adopted for information traceability, data mining, and analysis which provides the capacity to predict future market trends of digital asset projects and market return. In welcoming new investors to the platform (and to cryptocurrency in general), the EPIPHANY platform will offer trading supplements for novice investors (such as asset allocation charts and trading strategies) which will allow them to compare their trading performances with those of more experienced investors so they can learn from those most knowledgable! These tools are priceless in retrospect, and EPIPHANY is catering to the true needs of their investing userbase.

Cold Wallets and Immediate Transactions


The seamless and insant transactions that occur when someone initiates a trade (for example) are in place to create a more secure environment for the user. A cold wallet will be able to store unlimited funds, and EPIPHANY has their built in wallets set up to hold unlimited digital assets, but to also only go online in the instance of a trade or transaction, and to go offline instantaneously (after completion).

The Future


EPIPHANY is incredibly promising, and with the airdrops and promotion they've put forth, it seems a lot of positive traction is headed towards the development of the project entirely. I personally have registered on the platform (which I will include a link to below), and I look forward to the revelations as a user and an investor. One can accrue their first 25 EPN just by registering, and I feel this will the start of something immense. EPIPHANY, to the moon!

Link to the EPIPHANY website here
Link to the EPIPHANY WhitePaper here

This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x

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