The 5 People To Blame For This - Thanks!

It's a spectacular day in Vermont. Perfect holiday weather and here I am working on my business.

On my 3rd day with Steemit I'm still getting acquainted with the platform, the etiquette, and looking for the way I'm ultimately going to find my voice here.

There are hundreds of topics I want to get into but where to start has gotten me stuck for a bit. To break the ice I decided to start by recognizing a few people who were totally responsible for me being here. 

I do mean totally because I would have never heard of Steemit if not for these folks. You see this is my very first involvement with social media and if not for being an avid youtube watcher (great place to learn anything) I would not have known about this platform at all.

I've avoided fakebook & twitter like the plague for a variety of reasons. Censorship came later and just clinched it for me. I have been working on a youtube show but I didn't look forward to that censorship either especially with my political persuasion.

So when I finally listened to the drumbeat and came over here it was immediately clear I had to get started building a presence on Steemit for the long term. I expect nothing right now and I know I won't be making $15,000 on any posts, ever. I have a long term growth plan.

Before I get to the Steemit evangelists there are 2 other people who preceded even this. First was the YouTube channel called RulesforRebels (@rulesforrebels) which got my wheels turning for a work from home venture, then I stumbled across Andreas Antonopoulos who was a master at demystifying bitcoin. 

I was officially obsessed with leaving my job and setting up shop at home, again. Somehow I would combine my skills and knowledge with a cryptocurrency related venture, and then I'd spend my winters in Mexico. Life was going to be good!

As I was digging in I kept hearing Steemit, steemit, steemit, money, money, money. Hmm.

And here we are.

The following 5 people are the ones who educated me and convinced me (without knowing it) to finally come here and try it. Each of them offers something different and works very hard at their business, hence their success. 

To them I say Thank you! 

Please check them out and follow them if you don't already.

The first culprit is:

The Dollar Vigilante (@dollarvigilante) is an entertaining show and he has been pushing Steemit hard, which is probably why he has such a big following here. Jeff knows the crypto world, has played at a high level and is worth reading or listening to. I also just love the background of Acapulco Bay behind him I have to say. 

Good grief. Talk about working hard..I have no idea how Jerry (@jerrybanfield) gets everything done that he produces day after day. Unbelievable. You can count on well researched content, and advice that comes directly from his experience, which he also shares openly and honestly.

I first started watching Heidi's Crypto Tips videos on YouTube about 6 months ago. I had no idea what a huge presence she had here so most of you already know her. If not check out @heiditravels. She does a great job breaking things down for newbies and offering bite size summaries that are easy to understand.

Omar (@crypt0) has been growing his show quite a bit lately it seems, and it keeps getting better. He breaks down the latest crypto news and some of the technologies that are mystifying to most of us. He also seems like a good guy and you can trust what he says.

Last but not least by any means. I discovered Trevon (@trevonjb) later than the rest but was really impressed with his whole operation. Down to earth but clearly driven, he has put together quite a plan that he seems to execute daily. His daily 'Coin Count' videos are inspiring.. and make me jealous.

So there you have it. Blame them!  

And then learn from them.

Happy 4th of July!


PS. Please follow me @bigfatmyths

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