Crypto for the average:

Information is valuable. Time is money. With that in mind, these discussions are for the average person. Charts may help, but opinions matter as well.

Real simple: I post a question that is on the minds of many. No blabbing, no extraneous material. I pose a question and we discuss the pros, cons, etc.

Today's question is: Ripple: in it for the long haul? If so, help everyone out by giving your 'PRO' ---keep it short. If not, give your 'con' - and keep it short.

I have Pros : 1) Ripple is established, they've been working at it for years, 2) 75+ banks involved already, 3) coins diminish over time, 4) international bank transactions take place non-stop and lots of $ being transferred---adds up.

Thanks for your time. Feel free to add your own thoughts.

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