do you want to learn more deeply about crypto world ????

#Do you want to know the new ico crypto it will be scam or not ????

are you coin co-founder and want to add science to coin you can in long term program ????

#you will make new ico and can understand more detail for mensuskseskan coin ico it

Suitable if colleagues want to be:

ICO Investors (so understand where ICO Scam and ICO legit)
And all active activities regarding cryptocurrency


Learn Private online with a master in their field and after taking online courses will get an international certificate that makes you upgrade the capacity of science cryptocurrency

  • Certified Bitcoin Professional Program (CBP) *

Certified Bitcoin Professional knows about Bitcoin blockchain, Bitcoin transactions, and how the Bitcoin network operates. CBPs can apply Bitcoin technology to their area of ​​professional expertise and understand the aspects of privacy, double spending, and other currency related issues.

CBP has professional work knowledge in 33 topics covering six (6) knowledge domains of Bitcoin.

These six domains form the General Knowledge Board that all Bitcoin professionals must have in order to obtain the appointment of a CBP certificate.

The following professions will benefit from certification:

Accountants and Controllers
Sales & Marketing professionals
Professors, Teachers, and Educators
IT Professionals
Call Center Representatives
Project Managers
Anyone who uses Bitcoin in their daily activities

Studying for CBP exam is quite easy. These 33 topics are covered complete online so it is easy to learn the knowledge needed for certification. A CBP Study Guide is available to assist your review.

The General Knowledge Board for Certified Bitcoin Professional certification is defined as follows:

    1. History of Money and Ledger-based Economics *
      Centralized Ledgers
      Functions of Currency
      Distributed Consensus
      History of Bitcoin
      Price Derivation
    1. Basic Cryptography *
      Terms and Definitions
      Hash Functions
      Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption
      Digital Signatures
    1. Bitcoin Basics *
      Bitcoin Community
      Bitcoin Addresses and Keys
      Bitcoin Transactions
      Bitcoin Blockchain Ledger
      bitcoin the Unit
      Bitcoin the Network
      Buying and Selling bitcoin
      Blockchain Explorers
    1. Mining *
      Purpose and Function
      Mining Pools
      Mining Hardware
      Security and Centralization
    1. Wallets, Clients and Key Management *
      Wallet Types
      Bitcoin Clients
      Deterministic Wallets (AKA BIP32)
      Passphrase-Encrypted Wallets (AKA BIP38)
      Importing and Exporting
    1. Bitcoin Commerce *
      Bitcoin as a Merchant
      Bitcoin Payment Processors
      Secure Payment Protocol (AKA BIP70)
  • Price: *
    IDR 6,000,000 (can be paid three times before CBP certification begins)

1-30 April 2018

  • Contact: *
    081382430007 (Whatsapp)

#apakah anda ingin belajar lagi lebih dalam tentang dunia crypto????
#Apakah anda ingin mengetahui crypto ico yang baru itu akan scam atau tidak????
#apakah anda pendiri coin dan ingin menambah ilmu agar coin anda bisa di program jangka panjang????
#apakah anda akan membuat ico baru dan bisa paham lebih detail buat mensuskseskan coin ico nya

Cocok kalo rekan rekan mau jadi :

Investor ICO (jadi paham mana ICO Scam dan ICO legit)
Dan semua kegiatan aktif mengenai cryptocurrency


Belajarlah Private online bersama master dibidang nya dan setelah ikut kursus online akan mendapat kan sertifikat internasional yang membuat anda upgrade kapasitas ilmu cryptocurrency

Program Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP)

Certified Bitcoin Professional mengetahui tentang blockchain Bitcoin, transaksi Bitcoin, dan bagaimana jaringan Bitcoin beroperasi. CBPs dapat menerapkan teknologi Bitcoin ke area keahlian profesional mereka dan memahami aspek privasi, double spending, dan masalah lain yang terkait dengan mata uang.

CBP memiliki pengetahuan kerja profesional dalam 33 topik yang mencakup enam (6) domain pengetahuan Bitcoin.

Keenam ranah ini membentuk Badan Pengetahuan Umum yang harus dimiliki semua profesional Bitcoin untuk mendapatkan penunjukan sertifikat CBP.

Profesi berikut akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari sertifikasi:

Accountants and Controllers
Sales & Marketing professionals
Professors, Teachers, and Educators
IT Professionals
Call Centre Representatives
Project Managers
Siapapun yang menggunakan Bitcoin dalam kegiatan sehari-hari

Belajar untuk ujian CBP cukup mudah. 33 topik ini dibahas lengkap secara online sehingga mudah untuk mempelajari pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk sertifikasi. Panduan Studi CBP tersedia untuk membantu ulasan Anda.

Badan Pengetahuan Umum untuk sertifikasi Certified Bitcoin Professional didefinisikan sebagai berikut:

1. History of Money and Ledger-based Economics
Centralized Ledgers
Functions of Currency
Distributed Consensus
History of Bitcoin
Price Derivation

2. Basic Cryptography
Terms and Definitions
Hash Functions
Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption
Digital Signatures

3. Bitcoin Basics
Bitcoin Community
Bitcoin Addresses and Keys
Bitcoin Transactions
Bitcoin Blockchain Ledger
bitcoin the Unit
Bitcoin the Network
Buying and Selling bitcoin
Blockchain Explorers

4. Mining
Purpose and Function
Mining Pools
Mining Hardware
Security and Centralization

5. Wallets, Clients and Key Management
Wallet Types
Bitcoin Clients
Deterministic Wallets (AKA BIP32)
Passphrase-Encrypted Wallets (AKA BIP38)
Importing and Exporting

6. Bitcoin Commerce
Bitcoin as a Merchant
Bitcoin Payment Processors
Secure Payment Protocol (AKA BIP70)

IDR 6.000.000 (dapat dibayar tiga kali sebelum sertifikasi CBP dimulai)


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