Daily Update


I'm almost there, I told myself when I started this challenge that as long as I make it through one week, then I can keep it up indefinitely. we'll just see how it goes but I do feel like it's becoming easier with each day that I do it. I come back to my post on habits a few days ago if you read that. If not you can find it on my blog.

I know my content isn't exactly the most interesting read in the world so I'm never sure how far people make it through these ramblings of mine. I like to think that at least one person is interested but how could I know.
When you think about it this world is so purely subjective, no matter what we do not see the world for the world we sit it as a construct of our own perspective. Like everyone is wearing tinted glasses, but none the same. Each transforming with the passage of time. cracking, scratching, warping and shifting. Even if two glasses start the same way the owner treats those will completely change the life of those glasses.

The I that is awareness, The big capital I, is that owner. I as one awareness can know the world as I see it through my glasses but even if we attempt to describe the way that our own reality looks we can't because we have only ever seen the world from our glass and the same can be said for everyone else.

That means that ill never really know if this is something people are interested in but ill keep it up.

part 1 - Crypto

I said I'd aim for a five minute or longer read so that's what I'm gonna do. Not sure how ill do it but I will. I know I went on a random philosophical tangent, but are people interested in that kind of stuff because I'm always interested to discuss that kind of stuff.

I'm still just waiting for the markets to recover. I need to buy a new PC and would be good to get some extra funds, but guess I can't make the markets move on my own, just wait. The bull market isn't over though which is a good sign. How's everyone doing in this market? managing to make profits? or are you seeing red? I, myself, am a bit of both but not doing crazy good. Need to have some more focus and pull my funds together so I can make bigger moves and profits.

What exchange do people use? I'm looking to open a new exchange account that I can use for my portfolio series. I already use binance so that's not an option. But I want something with a large collection of coins. so post your suggestions in the comments and ill check them all out.

I wouldn't follow along with my trades but who knows maybe you can learn what not to do from my mistakes and see what coins I'm looking at, or perhaps you are just interested in seeing if I can take my account from the initial to my final goal.

Part 2 - Personal Projects

recently I've been working on my own project, I don't want to share too much just yet as it's still in the early days, but I'm hoping to upgrade my hardware soon which will open up a lot of doors and opportunities for my project that I can start sharing.

In terms of other projects, I'm happy to say that things are moving and I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with stuff, which feels nice.

What about you guys? have you had any big accomplishments recently in your work or business? or a passion project you are working on?

Part 3 - Outro

If I'm completely honest I've run out of stuff to say and it seems I'm still not quite at the 5-minute mark so guess ill have to figure out some more sections to add to this. I don't think ill be adding pictures to this today because I'm not running out of steam and don't think I can be bothered at this point.

so I guess all ill say is. See you guys tomorrow and enjoy your day.

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