Daily Post


Morning everyone, seems I'm finally feeling a little bit more like myself so hopefully today ill put out another longer-form post. I do apologise for how short the last one was, I just couldn't find the motivation to finish it.
Sorry had to go spend some time with my family quickly but I'm back now and I'm ready to pump out this article like there's no tomorrow.
First thing lets get out of the way is that crazy move by bitcoin. talk about a pump and dump over the last few days. Voilitily seems to be through the roof and the uncertainty over what will happen between Russia and Ukraine isn't helping any of the finatial markets. So I guess were gonna have to wait and see what happens with all of this craziness.
I can see my splinterlands account growing faster and faster which has been a huge help for me as I've been able to turn a small 50 USD account into quite a healthy 600 USD account (including sps and dec)

Part 1 - Crypto (Not Financial Advice)

Since i didn't cover my trades yesterday everything is looking a little different, I've also been tweaking my strategy a bit and have started to develop a bit more of a plan. The sudden drop has meant that I am still holding and waiting for them to return to my buy in so I can put the new strategy to the test and see if it actually works. Now then lets get into what coins I am currently holding, where I bought in and how much I've lost as well as where I plan to sell all of them to get my capital back into USD


I have sold all of my LUNA and currently don't hold any. I use this opportunity to test the stratigy out with a small amount of capital. I bought in at around 55.39 and sold at 56-57 making a quick 3% over an hour and a half after my entry before selling as i saw some weakness in the charts.


I bought into rose as the start of this challenge and watched it lose almost 15% right out the gate, it managed to recover but i chose to hold, what a mistake that was. dropping by 6% this time from where i originally bought in. So I've set a sell order at around 1% above entry. I just have to wait for it to hit the sell location.


As for my THETA trade I bought in at 3.79 and manadged to take some profits at 3.9 but the rest that I left in the trade has lost 3% or so


I entered a trade of AXS last night at 62.42 and again at 64.12 after taking some profits. Decided not to sell before going to sleep which caused me to lose 7% on this trade too, so once I have sold all my positions I will be entering into shorter term trades with all of my capital in the trade and making sure to sell before I go to sleep to lock in the profits. My goal is 5% a day in profit as I go.

Part 2 - Projects

In terms of my personal projects they have been progressing slowly,as I have had so many different things on my plate it has become a question of how best to juggle all the different obligations that I have on my plate. I cant share much of it as it is all still very early in development and nothing is finalised.


Im back in the groove and over my break, Im here to make some gains and cash them in for the long run. I want to grow my portfolio and my projects to a place that I am happy with. I hope to keep seeing everyone around and would love to start some discussions in the comments.

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