Wetrust ($TRST) - How deep is your growth?


Are you seeking for interesting coin for invest in?
Take a look for Wetrust ($TRST).

  1. Great team: Vitalik Buterin (Founder of Ethereum), Bo Shen, Brian Hoffman and other 'celebrities' in Advisors list
  2. Official Release date: 18.01.2018. Also you can try actual beta version here - https://tlc.wetrust.io
  3. More then 100% growth for a last mounth
  4. Marketing compaign is not started yet (!)
  5. Total capitalisation is less then $130m (!)
  6. Realistic roadmap. Everything goes according to plan
  7. Already listed on bittrex. Preparing for anothers.
  8. One of the most undervolued coin at that moment IMHO
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