BCH Wormhole, Venezuelan Petro, Exchange Revenue Doubles

Safe Crypto Show - S01E33

Cryptocurrency news and weekly MAIDSAFE/SAFE Network update

The Safe Crypto Show alternative media locations:

It is Friday, the 17th of Aug, 2018 … Today I am joined by my co-host Mike … So let’s begin … Welcome Mike, thanks for joining the show today.

  1. Topic #1 --  Weekly Roundup!
    1. Global Market Cap Review via http://coinmarketcap.com
    2. blocktivity.info -- blockchain activity of most active crypto's
  2. Topic #2 -- MAIDSAFE update
    1. As usual there are also many technical updates - for greater detail with all of the updates please check out the link in the show-notes: MAIDSAFE's weekly SAFE Network update.
  3. Topic #3 -- news segment --
    1. https://cointelegraph.com/news/analysts-crypto-trading-revenue-could-more-than-double-in-2018
    2. https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-squares-cash-app-expands-bitcoin-trading-to-all-50-states
    3. https://cointelegraph.com/news/venezuela-to-use-petro-as-unit-of-account-for-salaries-goods-and-services
    4. https://cointelegraph.com/news/cme-futures-partner-releases-first-regulated-bitcoin-cash-futures
    5. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-cashs-new-token-machine-gun-inside-wormholes-quest-to-dethrone-erc-20
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