<CRYPTO-ALERT> David Mah, CEO of Wagerr.com LTD Just Sent Me An Email That Got Me Worried!


I got a semi alarming email from David Mah the CEO of Wagerr.com LTD. At first it looked very alarming but as I got into the email the main thing that I got out of his email is this:

"The ETH network suffered serious congestion and delays that resulted in a failure of automatic processing for many participants throughout the ICO period."

So I have learned the most CEO in my past years can't tell the truth strait even if their life depended on it, so they use the language of double talk. They write down the truth in secret, then they figure out how to tell it to us who are "below him" and are not entitled to the truth, so they translate that to make it "look better". I learned the language of double talk in East Europe our freedom hating leadership used it on us, I and never told the truth just their stupid double-talk. I hated it. I wish people said the truth to me directly and let me figure out what to do with the it, but they don't.

Back to the email announcement. I think something bad has happen with the Eather network and the CEO is not telling us, so they give us this double talk here in the email.

Further what makes me think there where huge problems and that some ETH was lost from the deposit is this this sentence in his email:

"The system's generated addresses are still valid after one hour, but the Wagerr support team must process any delayed transactions manually."

So they are fixing things manually based on support tickets. I just hope his support is better then Poloniex or it's going to be a &%@%&##@ disaster!

Now something I have never read before this email and that's the Wagerr is issuing tokens on the Waves platform which right now has a reputation of having the most scammy tokens on the network!

I have to say I'm a bit worried. I have put a % of my profits in this ICO and I hope this works out. If this is all on the up and up the biggest beneficiary of the Wagerr ICO is going to be Waves, it's going to give them huge credibility!

And finally a message to David Mah:

Dear David,

Please be the first CEO in history to tell the raw truth, not translate what you think we need to hear. We are in crypto because we are sick of CEO double talk,. Why can't you just say how many accounts are not credited, how many are lost, how many support problems, some example and illustrations of what happened, so we can get a picture what we are dealing with.

We don't need you to sanitize the truth for us, just tell us the real truth.

We gave you so much of our money, aren't we entitled to hear the truth and nothing but the truth? Is that to much to ask? Could it be that all the CEO's of this planet are wrong and instead of doing the right thing, you just join them and do the same wrong thing as them. It's like joining the herd and following blindly. Can't you be your own man and screw the heard and be a man, don't do what everyone does.

David, I suggest in future correspondence to me, your investor, that you tell me the open truth, the same truth that you share with your board. I deserve nothing less. Please be 100% transparent next time.

That's all I have.

Am I to harsh on the CEO for asking for the plain truth and 100% transparency? Is a crypto investor entitled to 100% of all the raw information in exchange for the BTC investment? Or is the CEO entitled to hide information from the investor?


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