I figured that we'd start seeing more things like this, and I am glad that we are. I'm not sure how many of you follow my twitter or instagram accounts... because I've never had one. Wait, I guess that means that none of you do. Before steemit became the "spider" that got me caught in the world wide web, I mostly stayed offline. There was no facebook, myspace, or other social media sites for me.

This is basically because "time is money" and my time is limited. Simply put, I had better things to do and a lot going on. Then steemit showed up, and showed us all that our time and effort was actually worth something! In fact, it showed that we were actually worth something. When most platforms would just use your content to make them rich, steemit offered to potentially pay us for our time.

Many of us realized that this would most likely just be the beginning. Surely others would take note and attempt to follow suit, and it seems that a few already are.

DISCLAIMER: I only recently stumbled across sola.ai and know very little about it. This post is not an official endorsement of it by @papa-pepper nor am I suggesting that others should participate in their token sale. What I share below is based upon my recent research and I provide it because it looks like it is at least another opportunity for people to enjoy in our ever changing world. Please do your own research and see what you think. Also, if you have more information than that which I have provided, please share it with us in the comment section or make your own post about it and drop the link. Thanks.


If you haven't heard of sola.ai, you may want to check it out. Here is an invite code that they gave me: https://sola.ai/r/ZDYyOTA

I had heard about it recently in the gratefulvibes discord channel brought to us by @paradise-found and @sunnylife, and figured that I should take a peek at it. Apparently, it claims to be "the next-gen decentralized social platform governed by users." After all of my experience with steemit, that sounds pretty good to me.

I am still very new at using sola and it reminds me of my early days on steemit, when I had no clue about anything. I honestly have no idea how it will turn out, but I am excited to hear that other platforms are being created where people can be rewarded for their content. I have not completely read through the white paper for it yet, but it can be found here : https://sola.foundation/Sola_Whitepaper_V1_EN.pdf

I did find this short one minute promotional video for it too, which should at least give you a general idea about what the platform is and how it works.


Understandably, crypto is the currency of the future, and just like the platform steemit has STEEM, sola has its own crypto called SOL. It looks like they are currently having their token sale from November 27th until December 22nd. You can find out more about the sale here: https://sola.foundation/

I am honestly not sure if I will purchase any, but I can say that the platform is not only free to join, they give you some SOL just for signing up. Additionally, you then have the opportunity to earn more SOL as you interact on the site. Just like steemit, it seems that another excellent opportunity may be presenting itself.


So far, I have made seven posts on sola and have 9.075 SOL in my wallet. I also have almost 300 AP, which are the Action Points. Apparently making posts or comments "cost" you some of your AP, but is looks like it also replenishes over time.

Thus far, my posts have been simple, and short. I've included an original image for each one and then shared a sentence or two. Like I said, I'm just beginning to check it out and see what all is possible. Much like my content on steemit, it has been varied. I am sure that as I continue to familiarize myself with the site and begin to understand more about it, I try some other things too. I've ran into a few people from steemit over there already, and they were pleased to see me looking into sola.
In fact, it was suggested that I should at least mention it in a post over here on steemit, to help raise awareness. Since I trust a lot of you steemians, I thought it would be a good chance to see what your thoughts were on sola. I was wondering who all had already heard of it, who had actually tried it out so far, if anyone had any plans on investing in it, or if anyone understood more about it. Like I said in my first post on sola, "new things can be difficult for me, but I'm not going to limit myself."
Just about everything that I now do on steemit is stuff that I had to learn in the past year. Prior to that, I did not even know how to upload a video or a photo. On the bright side, besides running into some steemians over on sola, I have gotten some comments and views on my posts, and have earned a bit of SOL already too. That much is encouraging and I am excited about the potential.


One of the things that has intrigued me most so far, in my very limited time spent on sola, is the way that they track your views. When people view your post, you can see where in the world they were. It even has a little action "explosion" that is pretty cool to watch.

That GIF is one that I just made of views on a recent post of mine. It does look pretty cool and I enjoy watching it. I think that little features like that can make things a lot more interesting for those using the site, and I really enjoyed that part.

You have to scroll around a bit, as far as I know, to see the whole world, but those dots represent the people who took the time to check your post out. Since I have no previous followings from anywhere else online, whenever I find myself on another site, I like to mention or promote steemit a bit too, so I have already done a bit of that. After all, if these people like creating content and earning crypto for it, steemit may be right up the alley for the sola people, and vice versa, hence this post.

Again, if you have not checked it out yet, it is free to sign up and get started. Do your own research and see what you think, but it certainly looks more promising than facebook, twitter, and instagram in my opinion. Again, here is the link that they gave me : https://sola.ai/r/ZDYyOTA - which I guess also adds some AP and SOL to my account when people use it, so thanks in advance for that. If you do check it out, please let me know what you think.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com

GIF provided by @orelmely


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