Notice to my viewers - Sold 1/2 my STEEM for Diversifying

Notice to my viewers: After riding STEEM up from $0.95 to $4.00 in 3 weeks time, I sold 1/2 my position. I believe STEEM should continue higher in 2018, but my sale is mainly to stay diversified and hedge against any market downturn which could occur as US tax sales happen in January 2018.

300% profit in 3 weeks!

If you're holding one of the other coins I have liked, be cautious of a market down-turn. Long-term (8 to 12 months) it should not matter if you are holding, EOS, ETH, DASH, NAV, ect. Whether B2X fork is a big enough event to matter or not, I am unsure, and in either case, by the time we are into January, that event will be behind us with many people sitting in profits.

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