Something Smells Fishy in Cryptoverse.

*image screenshot via Google search image.

Critical thinking Required;
• the purpose intented behind Cryptocurrency is to have a Free/Decentralized/Private monetary transaction...and to have an outlet that allows for some form of stable passive income/store of wealth vehicle. (Yes/No) ?
~ then how would it be even possible to be Regulated/Modified/Controlled by any Private or Public institutions? Eg as evident per attached news articles via
~ IF Its a Truly #Decentralized Currency why wouldn't it be possible to "ONLY" buy/convert your desired amounts/units of Crypto with JUST "CASH" transactions? (As all electronic transactions are trackable)...duh...I forgot that even with "Cash" unless you are dealing based on a face to face/
"In person"*** transaction...your acquisitions/transactions can be still monitored. (Via facial recognition cameras and your registered Blockchain portfolio which are all "INTERLINKED & traceable"

• Open sourced codes to the Blockchain technology means that it doesn't have a Centralized server that is able to generate/control the distribution and the securitization of the Crypto Currency (Yes/No)? why would anyone need to register a vaild email address and a valid mobile number to validate his or her own Personal Wallet account? ( Since both form of validation can and is now Centralized around Google as its main data hub) could it then be reinforced to understand and observe how much wealth you have enmassed through the process of having all your transactions that's already linked to your personal wallet in the 1st place? Is that how #bitcoin upstarts and affiliates get caught up with the law for wrong doings and misappropriation of funds? why hasn't the CREATOR OF #Bitcoin then step up to give his opinions on why and how (if its possible to or meant to be) modified especially since there's already procedures like #SEGWIT & BIP148 on the table?

Uniform Regulation for Virtual Currency Businesses: Coming to a State Near You

via Blockfolio:

Delaware House Passes Historic Blockchain Regulation

via Blockfolio:

Arizona Bitcoin Trader Charged With Money Laundering

via Blockfolio:

Bitcoin Scaling Project Segwit2x to Release New Code Tomorrow

via Blockfolio:

Above articles are only a few of the situations that leads me to conclude that, through the methodology of Propogating the Illusion that Cryptocurrency has its unique and personalized Elements which gives the "owner" of the Crypto the sense of "Exclusivity" & "Power of being in control" through the Mainstream media's (Negatively) Propogated Elements of (#Exploding #Bubbling #Hacking #Notoriety) as a marketing now Governments like Japan, China, Russia, USA are getting involved with regulating adopting and developing Cryptocurrency as Legal Tender
Which baffles me completely as per my understanding through indepth research about the creation and existence of our current Global Currency system which is Controlled by :
*image by
As its Known by most financial institutions that if there was any form of threat to the Sustainability and longevity of the Global Reserve Currency as a Trade would be dealt with quite immediately.

**"For something to be created, to purportratedly give Financial Freedom in this Grand-Magnitude & NOT be Controlled b# headery any vectors is utterly impossible and to Good to be true" preacherofstorms ***
which leads to my humble conclusion that if it smells like something fishy, there must be a source for it.

note that I also have a small vested interest in the Cryptoverse, and that I'm merely sharing my Alt-views to the current Mass-Entranced-Hyped-up FOMO investors. As I have no quarrels with making more on my ROI's...but sees this as a moral obligation to share my genuine concerns about this topic


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