The Art of Perversion

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By Vicky Davis • February 26, 2018

Just as an exercise, do a search on the term communism. You'll find that it is defined as an economic system and/or a political system. Most people have probably read the Communist Manifesto in which Karl Marx outlined ten key points that are the goals of communism. The question in this writer's mind is 'Why is communism defined as a legitimate political and economic system' when it clearly is a system built on criminality?

For the government to own all the means of production, they must confiscate (steal) the property from the owners of that property. They must indoctrinate the children and propagandize the adults and murder or imprison the dissenters.

Communists use logical positivism to "sell" the ideas in public discourse. If you research logical positivism as a philosophy, it gets quite complicated. The simplified summation of it in modern parlance is that a positive spin is put on a negative idea. The negative idea would be rejected immediately so logic is used in such a way as to turn the negative into a positive.

It seems to this writer that the definition of communism and the legitimization of it as a political or economic system is a case study in logical positivism. When the system of communism is dissected, this writer's definition is as follows:

Communism is a criminal enterprise that uses perversity as a strategy for chaos and chaos as a tool for takeover.

When a criminal enterprise infiltrates the state, it uses the power of government as a weapon to further the objectives of the criminal enterprise. Defining communism which is a criminal enterprise as a legitimate political/economic system is to legitimize crime – putting a positive spin on a negative.

Understanding that communism is a criminal enterprise that has infiltrated government is a prerequisite to understanding what was going on in Broward County that caused the failure of the system to deal with the problems that Nicolas Cruz was having. The Sheriff, Scott Israel implemented Community Policing in Broward County. The following is from the Sheriff’s Office webpage. I just noticed something – the Sheriff's website is a .org and not a .gov That's significant.

Broward Sheriff's Office

Community Policing:

BSO is much more than just a law enforcement agency — we’re part of the community.

Thanks to Sheriff Israel, BSO is diligently working to bring transparency and build community trust by embracing a community policing model where law enforcement and members of Broward’s diverse communities work hand in hand to improve public safety services and make their own neighborhoods safer.

Through community policing, citizens from all walks of life are playing a critical role in keeping our communities safe by providing vital input, innovative ideas and key support. By building bridges and opening up new channels of dialogue between law enforcement and Broward’s communities, we are working together to find local solutions to local issues, achieve public safety goals and forge a safer, stronger and more united Broward County.

Juvenile Civil Citations:

As a father, mentor, and coach, Sheriff Israel has made the children of Broward his number one priority. Through the expanded juvenile civil citation program and our outstanding partnership with the Broward School Board in the Promise Program, BSO has produced remarkable results in cutting the school house to jail house pipeline. These programs help keep kids' records clean, teach them responsibility and give them a second chance for a better life. Thousands of children have benefitted because of them.

Community Policing perverts law enforcement – turning them into social workers. As you can hear in this video, the Sheriff and the Broward County Sheriff's Department considers that it's their job to keep criminals – juvenile or not, out of jail. The fact that you’re hearing this in a Mosque is not the point. The point is what the deputy and the sheriff are saying keeping in mind that the police were called 39 times on Nicolas Cruz.

Broward County Sheriff ┇ Scott Israel┇ Alhikmat

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