The Prisoner of Circumstance


For some reason I find that words are failing me.

Its not that I do not have words. I have plenty.

Its that they refuse to come forward.

Countless paragraphs and thoughts I have tossed...

...because 'it doesn't feel right'.

And yet I feel comfortable enough to produce images like this one...

Where my artistic ineptitude gets revealed for all to see. I guess its symbolically fitting...

Yes, there is a message - but not one that I had in mind while putting mouse to... mouse pad.

Perhaps I feel more comfortable getting "artistic" when I feel less than quite right.

For those who are interested in the image from a how-its-done standpoint:

  • Its done using Paint.NET (its free).

  • A fair number of layers were used.

  • Extensive use of the 'Jitter' effect was also used.

  • Narrow erasor was used to separate things that would have mashed together (like fingers).

Still looking for that light at the end of the tunnel.

If you have any comments that you would like to share then I will join you down in the comments section below.


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