Sign of the Cross


Hello again. I am priest Chris Therrien of the EOC, and today I would like to talk about the heavy topic of the cross. What does it mean to the Lord? Well, the exact opposite of what you have been taught.

The crucifix is often used by many to show their love and devotion to Christ and his sacrifice. Often the crucifix is very graphic, especially in churches, with the blood and wounds he had at the worst point. It’s very strange… We use the most difficult and tragic moment in his life to honor him. It’s kind of like if someone raped you and your family made a bunch of statues of you being raped and put it all throughout the house. Not something you want to see, right?

Why would anyone in their right mind think that the Lord would want to return to thousands of statues of him being crucified?! This is something I thought on a little bit in childhood after watching the movie Dogma. The “Buddy Christ” statue. I had thought, “Wow! That looks a whole lot better than a man dying on a cross with the face of agony.” There is only one symbol of the cross that should be used when displaying affection for the Lord, the Templar Cross.

I know many people have certain feelings about the Templar. “They were bloodthirsty murderers,” some say. If you look into the bottom line facts it isn’t true. They were protectors of the Lord and His bloodline, keepers of knowledge that the world had lost to Catholicism and Christianity. The sign goes back much further than their use of it.

If you go back looking at ancient carvings you will see this symbol was in multiple cultures around the world. The Hopi received it on Prophecy Rock. Most notably it was used by the Sumerians, borne by the Anunnaki: Anu, Enlil, Enki and a few others. The Royal Family. And bringing this around most recently, a single photon of light actually makes this sign. It is the basis of light. The hologram of a single photon matches up perfectly with this sign. It has greater meaning than we ever knew.

I hope this clears up a few things about the cross. The pains our Lord endured are major, and to come back with it all over the place is honestly distasteful if your heart is in the right place. The sign of the Templar cross is the only symbol we should bare in his honor. In Lord RayEl’s name, amen. 

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