Todays Grand Adventure.

A little about myself. From those of you who haven't read my first post.

Today I biked to the other side of town to give my sister a cell phone to borrow until my dad can get her a new phone.

On the way both there and back I saw this beautiful 4 bedroom house for sale. I decided to call the realtor sign in the yard since the price had gone down.

After I spoke to the realtor, I went to Walgreens and cooled off in the air conditioned store for a short time. As I walked around I noticed Gatorade was 2 for $3 and you earn 1,000 points by buying 2. So I bought 2 out of the cooler so I had something warm to drink on the way home.

As I left the store, I noticed an elderly man sitting outside with his walker full of stuff like he were homeless or out all day. I noticed him earlier that day walking around town.

I asked him if her were thirsty at all since he seemed disoriented a little and was dripping sweat off his forehead. He seemed surprised and gladly took the offer as I handed it to him and said, "Stay hydrated. It is only going to get worse!!"

I logged into Pokemon Go so I could get the pokestops on the way home and ended up running into a police officer and stopped to talk to him. He was also very sweaty and over heated.

I am appalled that the police department requires all police to wear hot long sleeved uniforms during the sweltering heat!! They should be ashamed! The poor officer looked like he was about to catch a heat stroke from having to patrol on foot in this heat!!!

I managed to catch 2 pokemon I have been wanting to catch for some time!! I will be posting screenshots soon!!

I met my husband at CVS and got the soda they didn't carry at Walgreens, and walked to the bus stop with my husband and offspring after bringing my bike home. Issabelle cuddled with a bottle of cold soda to keep cool while she napped in the stroller.

We went to the Farmer's Market by the bus stop and found these zucchini that were bigger than my arm!!



I took pictures to compare size.

I haggled and got all 3 of these for $3 and our friend we were meeting showed up and met us at the market. When we got home my roommate went to the farmers market and got more stuff after I told him they were doing the farmer market today. He also got some good stuff.

I made zucchini parm., which is completely and absolutely the best thing ever!! One zucchini made one crockpot full and it fed 4 adults.

We gave 1 zucchini to our friend and a bunch of instant potatoes and ramen from the food shelf that we had waaay too much of at the time, so he could bring it back to his fiance.

So far that was my day today. Hope you all enjoyed hearing about it. It was a pretty good day over all.

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