The beginning of crowetic's blog

Hello everyone

For a long time now I have been thinking of starting a blog, as I see so much in the crypto space that I don't like, and believe it is up to people like myself with knowledge on what is real and what is going on, to provide said knowledge to the people.

Why do you care?

I am one who has been around for a long time, in the crypto sphere. I have run multiple projects, and built many platforms for crypto projects. I am brutally honest, and will not hold back when it comes to delivering what I believe to be true.

You don't have to care, but if you know real information from someone who doesn't BS, it may help you in the future.

Do I have anything to gain from this?

potentially, as I will definitely be talking about things that my team is developing, be it a crypto service provider platform, (like POLYSHIELD stakepool and MasterNode share platform we're launching soon...) a custom developed blockchain platform (like QORTAL which is soon to be launched, or Karmahip...) I have many things that we have been working out for years, that are likely to be brought up.

So the answer is, sure I have potential to make something from doing this blog, but it will not be from providing anything other than REAL information regarding things I have first hand knowledge on.

My background

I have been in IT for 17+ years now, and in the crypto space since 2013. I run a tech and blockchain consulting company called Crowetic Computers, which was started in 2014. I run multiple servers worldwide, and host VMs for crypto coins that I support as well as platforms we build.

I have experience in computer builds, and will likely make a few blog posts on that type of thing as well.


Every bit of the information posted by me, comes from me and me alone. All of the information comes from first hand knowledge of the subject matter, and will never be anything else.

If I say something is true, it is only because I know it to be true without a doubt. I am someone who doesn't trust anything unless I have seen it myself, or done it myself.

I would like to make everyone aware of certain things so that they are more informed, and in some cases made aware of platforms that we have created for use of the good people in the world.

The things we build have been worked on by some very intelligent developers for many years, and now many of them are coming together. So the time is right for me to make this information public.

The first few blog posts will likely be regarding the service platforms we are launching in the coming weeks, and the change of QORA into QORTAL, which will be a REAL decentralized trade platform, that requires NO central authority whatsoever. Unlike the 'Decentralized Exchanges' that are built on Bitshares that require a central authority to manage the 'gateway providers', thus eliminating themselves from the category 'decentralized'.

A bit of a 'rant'

I do not like the fact that big banks and companies are attempting to do the same thing they did before, and own everything in the crypto space just like they did to the previous system.

Is not the reason for Bitcoin, to eliminate the stranglehold we have been put under by the likes of these same companies? Why would be allow this to continue?

If we don't start doing things ACTUALLY DIFFERENTLY than we have in the past, the same things that have happened, will happen again and we'll end up in a more technologically advanced version of the same exact situation we're in now.

I for one, do not want to see this happen, and have been building multiple platforms over the last many years, that if adopted, will give people TRUE FREEDOM, and relieve the oppressive nature of the existing 'system' we all live under now.

The future world economy is coming to fruition, we must be the ones to decide who is in control...

Will it be the people? Or will it be the same companies and banks that run most everything now? I believe the choice is ours, and there will be many attempts to dissuade people from making the correct choices, and push them into the same type of setups that exist already, only built on more technologically advanced systems. Thus tricking people into believing that they're obtaining the same benefits of more decentralized and community-focused platforms.

Anyway, I just wanted to get an initial 'hello' posted, I will be back soon with a specifically targeted post for the official 'first post' of the blog.

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