How Frontier Tech working together can do good for society at large — Part 1

Philip Fletcher | Director & Co-Founder

When we started talking about the Pynk Project in 2017, we were all inspired by the simple premise of using technology to do good for society at large. It’s well documented in start-up world to always begin with the ‘Why’. For us it’s not about making money, our purpose and the reason we spring out of bed in the morning is much bigger than that.

Last week while at a Hong Kong investor event, Pynk CEO Seth Ward met with Dr. Jane Thomason. She is recognised in Forbes Magazine (2018) as ‘Blockchain’s Leading Social Development Evangelist and pioneer for Blockchain & digital technologies for social impact, education and empowerment of women.’ We get a little excited here at Pynk when we meet like-minded individuals who see the positive potential of tech. That’s why in this article I’m going to explain what it means, how the technologies work, and how we are trying to use them for the greater good.

Let me start with a simple definition for Frontier Tech. I define it as “A broad spectrum of innovations within technological developments seeking to benefit the longevity, security, and sustainability of all species and planet Earth.”

Within this definition there are a wide array of technologies from biotech to nanotech, from big data to blockchain and AI. They each have amazing potential of which we are only just starting to see the benefits.

Frontier tech is an incredible spectrum of innovation. You will find that many of the technologies found within this spectrum are interwoven, which compounds their potential. Consider Big Data, Blockchain, the Internet of Things and Machine Learning. These are four very different areas of study and development; each amassing huge sums of investment for unique benefits. They work incredibly effectively when combined, producing a branching stream of possibilities which become more apparent every day. For more on this see the article from Outlier Ventures on what they call The Convergence Ecosystem.

Let’s then broaden our lens to Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. The impact these areas can have on humanity are in many ways immeasurable. Once more we see symbiosis yielding better solutions. Consider how biotechnology makes bespoke treatments for people, while nanotechnology improves targeted drug delivery. A very interesting research paper can be found here outlining current developments in drug delivery, as well as the exciting future ahead.

The effective use of technology has throughout history been the most efficient tool for impact. Look at American global dominance now, think of the Spartan hoplites against Xerxes endless hordes or of Genghis Khan with the horse and bow & arrow. Ingenuity and sheer willpower allow any group to determine its own fate. And in today’s tech driven world — the same can be said of the visionary entrepreneurs.

Consider how the Tesla Gigafactory can produce batteries for drones (used for both good and bad), or supply uninterrupted power to an entire country, or potentially power NASA’s Johnson Space Centre which ensures the continued uptime of satellites like the iridium constellation, which in turn provides your smart phones with the data necessary to call your loved ones. You can quickly start to see the inter-dependence of several of these technologies. Not only that, you can also see the potential when you combine these technologies.

At Pynk, our mantra as a collective, forms the uncompromising approach we take to investment, democratisation, and proliferation of education. The team have come together with a wide-ranging set of skills and experiences to achieve a common goal. We are battling on multiple fronts and using innovative solutions to do so. Technology magnifies the influence and impact our Pynk community can have. We see the world clearly. We see it for what it is, but more importantly what it could be — and we’re using tech to get there. The propagation of these Frontier Technologies is our most powerful weapon in achieving Pynk’s mission. And, with you our community, we can achieve our goals together.

If you think you can help us in anyway and would like to get involved then we would love to hear from you. Investment experts, techies, entrepreneurs, social and growth marketeers or most importantly want to join our first Crowd of predictors — then get in touch.

Get in the Pynk today or slide into our Telegram group.

Philip Fletcher

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