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No, I never get bored of writing and I never run out of ideas

This is an expansion on the ideas I started to share yesterday in I can’t…stop…blogging!

“Don’t you ever get bored of writing?”

No. Never. Not even a little.

I might get mentally tired from too much thought and consideration but I never feel bored writing and I never run out of ideas. The world is so big (and small) and has so many patterns to find and connections to make and things to try. There is no way I could possibly get bored because I’m always aware of this.

Hive has become a daily exercise of creativity, self exploration and self improvement.

The first question I ask myself when I get ready to write is “What’s on my mind today?”

Then, whatever it is, rather than just share it as it is, I think about how I can make it more interesting and valuable for others. This is one that way I challenge myself. The idea behind my blogs is always to become a better writer and storyteller, or a better speaker when I make my 3speak vlogs.

I’m not just following some plan laid out by others to get better at this. I’m experimenting and searching for my own voice. There are many topics I could talk about, but how do I build congruency between all of them and feel more and more natural expressing my ideas about them?

“I can speak about ———, but can I speak about it with confidence?”

“I spoke about —- before but was there something I missed? Is there something everybody misses?”

I always look for ways to write better. Sometimes I look back at something I wrote and say “I can do better than this. I can make it more interesting or profound”.

“If you are bored, it’s because you are boring.”

Those are the words of my grandma, one of the coolest people I know. At 86 she went parasailing 3 times 🪂 and at 88 she came to Tokyo and tried every single food, smoked shisha for the first time and went to a rock concert.

If an interesting topic doesn’t come to me right away, I look at what’s not interesting and think about how to make it interesting.

This has led me to some of my best writing and also some of my most enjoyable silly posts. I wrote a poem about mud, a job application to the community for a job as a full time content creator, narrated myself people watching in real time, and accidentally fueled a revolution against the bidbot scams of steemit circa 2018.

Sometimes I search for ways to introduce topics that I think my readers WON’T be interested and try to make them interested in them.

Trying to talk about video games as meditation or treating financial markets to something akin to astrology are the ones that come to mind first. Giving a movie review that ends up being a self directed psychoanalysis, that also happened.

When all else fails, I just freestyle and let whatever comes out come out. I can always go back and edit, but when I’m in this mode, I usually don’t.

There is so much to explore inside of you and your 5 senses. There is no reason to run out of things to say, it’s just a matter of having the will to say it and then letting everything flow.

You always have the backspace button, so there’s no reason to hold back.

Big thanks to @kemmyb for making me realize I had more to share on yesterday’s topic


My music:

My lazy vlogs:

my mini-novella series:

Confessions of the Damaged - Out Now!

🎬Self Help For Trolls

🎸I + Everything

📕 Confessions of the Damaged OUT NOW :-)

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