David Wilkerson

David Wilkerson:
Let me tell you how this prophecy came about. Gwen and I had just returned to our motel in Sacramento, California, after a crusade meeting. I turned on the TV, scanning the dial to find a news program. One of the channels was playing a video musical of a famous - young rock singer. It was so diabolical I could not turn it off - I was too stunned by what I saw.
I called Gwen and she, too, was horrified. Demons were caressing the young singer. Skeletons rose from graves. Sadomasochists were beating victims, hideous occult creatures danced with humans; blood spurted, and there were overt displays of violence. It was a vision right out of hell. We simply could not believe television would show such demonic filth.
I turned it off in holy anger, went into the bathroom and knelt, weeping. A terrible, dark foreboding swept over me. I thought of my grandchildren. What will it be like when they are teenagers, if it is so devilish now?
My mind was flooded with tragic images of the moral decay in American society: a nation given over to sex, violence, bloodshed, satanism, sadism and godlessness.
The same week there were news reports of little children being molested in day-care centers all across the nation. An 85-year-old operator of one day-care center was indicted for sexually molesting both boys and girls. Even parents were being jailed, accused of sexually abusing their own children. The stories seemed too dreadful, too frightening to be happening in America.
That very day I was informed that the police in a small northwest city broke up a big drug ring being operated by the most respected doctors, lawyers and businessmen in that town. They were sending teenagers to hell for the almighty dollar.
An elderly woman in Chicago lost $44,000 - her life's savings - to rid her house of "brick cancer." Nation-wide, thousands of elderly people have been embezzled and cheated, leaving them heartbroken and penniless. The criminal contractors and con artists get off scott free and live like kings on their stolen money. Every day the headlines tell of the growing numbers of the elderly who are beaten, robbed and killed in their homes. What kind of perverted minds can perpetrate such violence on helpless, infirm grandparents?
I thought of the millions of children victimized by divorce and separation of parents. What will it be like a decade from now when these angry children take out their hostility on society? What of the three year-old girl in Harlem I saw sitting on the stairs of a dilapidated tenement, trying to stick a toothpick in her arm, pretending it was a needle? She wanted to be like her big junkie brother.
And what about the flood of homosexuality? Will our grandchildren be forced to sit in classrooms where it is taught that homosexuality is a respectable way of life - or even a preferred lifestyle? I wonder if God could take it no longer and sent a curse upon this whole group? AIDS has at least a two year incubation period, just as leprosy. This modem leprosy will eventually destroy more homosexuals than the fire and brimstone did in Sodom.
After what I had just seen on television, and the mental visions of the moral landslide in America, I cannot remember a time when I felt so depressed, so hopeless about the future, so worried about what my children and grandchildren must face.
But the Holy Spirit came upon me, stood me on my feet and poured an encouraging prophetic word into my heart. It was a marvelous experience. I heard no voice, except in the inner man - and it was clear and divine. What I heard from the Spirit took away all the foreboding darkness and dispelled all my worries and fears about the future. Let me share what I saw and heard.

The Prophecy

This Wall of Fire will grow higher, wider, more intense as evil increases. God is going to raise up a holier, more righteous, more dedicated, more devoted generation than in any time in history. Where sin abounds, grace will much more abound.
God is going to secure to Himself a holy people, protected by a Wall of Fire - so intense the devil and his hordes will be thrown into chaos, unable to get to those behind God's Wall of Fire.
• I was reminded that God has not been caught unaware of present deteriorating conditions in the land.
Has God not warned us in His Word that evil men would grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived? There would come a great falling away; men would become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. God would be mocked; leaders would be ridiculed. Men would be given over to reprobate minds, men turning to men and women to women for sexual pleasure. Men would become heady, high-minded, self-willed, drunken; children would become disobedient to parents. Adulterers and fornicators would flaunt their sins; even Christians would turn to adultery and fornication, while still covering the altar with their tears. Men's hearts would fail them for fear as they watched the calamities falling upon the earth.
• When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord raises up a barrier. That barrier is a WALL OF FIRE. I was directed by the Spirit to the prophet Zechariah. How glorious it was to find there these amazing words. "For I saith the Lord, will be unto her [God's people] a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her" (Zechariah 2:5).
This prophecy clearly tells us what God is going to do for us, for our children and our grandchildren. As long as the Lord tarries, He will protect His children with a Wall of Fire that Satan and his demon hordes cannot penetrate. Never again will there be but two over-comers who enter the promised land, as Joshua and Caleb. God is going to secure and protect a certain group of believers. Not all who cry Lord, Lord, will enter that Wall of Fire.
Who are these who will be protected by this great WALL OF FIRE? There can be no mistake about who they are. An angel was sent to mark them and take inventory of those who grieved over sin, personal and national. And I lifted up my eyes and looked, and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand.
2And I said, “Where are you going?” And he said to me, “To measure Yerushalayim, to see what is its width and what is its length.”
3And see, the messenger who was speaking to me was going out. And another messenger was coming out to meet him,
4and he said to him, “Run, speak to this young man, saying, ‘Yerushalayim is to remain unwalled, because of the many men and livestock in it.
5‘For I Myself am to her,’ declares יהוה, ‘a wall of fire all around, and for esteem I am in her midst.’
Have you grieved, have you cried out to YHWH, we see time and time again how He has sealed His people. He has told me time and time again, I am safe. And last night as I was preparing this message He wanted me to share with you…
Luke 12:4“But I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that are unable to do any more.
5“But I shall show you whom you should fear: Fear the One who, after killing, possesses authority to cast into Gehenna. Yea, I say to you, fear Him!
6“Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before Elohim.
7“But even the hairs of your head have all been numbered. Do not fear, you are worth more than many sparrows.

As I thought of last weeks message, it had dawned on me I forgot to add 2 very important parts of defensive weapons. The shields and firewalls Zechariah said, For I Myself am to her,’ declares יהוה, ‘a wall of fire all around, and for esteem I am in her midst.’ ” John Ramirez…
Genesis 15:1 After these events the word of יהוה came to Aḇram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Aḇram. I am your shield, your reward is exceedingly great.”
Psalm 47:9 Nobles of peoples shall be gathered together, The people of the Elohim of Aḇraham. For the shields of the earth belong to Elohim; He shall be greatly exalted.

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