

                        My First Gold Foil Legendary Card!


discovered Splinterlands a short time after I discovered Hive.
In fact, I signed up on Hive on March 5, 2019, and after a few months, in September 2019, I signed up on Splinterlands.

Of all the blockchain-based games I have tried to date Splinterlands was and still is the most complete, fun and well-structured game I have played.

From September 2019 to now I have always enjoyed playing Splinterlands and have always played manually without ever using bots.
To date I have played 25555 battles in the Wild Format and 4891 battles in the Modern Format for a total of 30446 battles played.

Although I have been playing on Splinterlands for a long time I have never lost the desire to set growth goals and even today I have several growth goals that I would like to achieve on Splinterlands.

Right now I have two main goals that I would like to achieve as soon as possible:

accumulate 100K SPS staked
return to playing stably in the Gold+ leagues of Modern Format.
My two goals are closely related because winning game battles in the Gold+ leagues allows you to earn many more SPS tokens than winning battles in the Silver leagues where I currently play.

In fact as you can see from the useful information in the Reward Pool Statistics section of there is quite a difference between playing and winning battles in the Modern Format's Gold+ leagues compared to the Bronze and Silver leagues of the same Format.

For example winning a battle in the Silver III league of the Modern Format allows you to earn an average of 0.168 SPS per win while winning a battle in the Gold III league of the Modern Format allows you to earn an average of 0.980 SPS per win

Screenshot from:
My road to 100K SPS Staked continues and I am making progress every month even though the introduction of the new Rebellion set has slowed down my progress towards my goal because without being able to use my Untamed cards in the modern format I have gone from playing stably in Gold+ leagues to playing in Silver leagues.

Today January 12, 2024 I have accumulated 79140 SPS staked and have almost reached 80% of my accumulation goal.

When I have reached 100K SPS staked I will consider whether to set a higher goal (the most likely choice) and/or use some of the SPS in excess of my accumulation goal to purchase useful cards in battle with the goal of advancing to higher leagues to earn more SPS tokens from battle victories.

Regarding my game goal of returning to play in the Modern Format's Gold+ leagues without receding to the Silver leagues in the early part of the season, I am still far from my goal because when there are less than 3 days left until the end of the current season of Splinterlands I am in the Silver I league at 270 points rating from the Gold III league.

To achieve my game goal I needed to increase the battle strength of my card collection by adding useful cards in battle of the Rebellion set.

In order to build me a competitive Rebellion deck for Modern Format's Gold leagues, I chose to follow a strategy based mainly on buying and opening Rebellion packs and selling Rebellion set cards that I find in the packs and that do not fit my short-term goals.

So far, this strategy has given me good results but starting tomorrow I will change my strategy and switch from buying packs to using the Bid purchase offers to buy Rebellion cards that are among my priority purchase/upgrade goals.





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