Conventional mechanisms to increase yields in different crops

Historically, agricultural producers in their search to increase production of different crops, have adopted conventional fertilization measures, leaning towards the use of chemical products that guarantee a quick response in plant species.

▶ Credits: scientificamerican. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: nationalgeographic. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ In order to increase their economic income, however, these practices have been oriented to an indiscriminate use of these synthetic fertilizers, bringing serious environmental and human health consequences.

Some researchers state that there is significant evidence of serious contamination derived from chemical products, which not only affects the flora and fauna that have been significantly exposed to these substances.

They have also contributed to the deterioration of the quality of air, water, soil and food, as well as the health of workers and consumers.

Therefore, it is estimated that 2.5 million tons of pesticides are used annually, which is equivalent to 30 billion dollars; considering the number of active workers in world agricultural production is around 1.3 billion, which corresponds to 50% of the world's labor force.

▶ Credits: al-monitor. – [Image of Public Domain]

Producers have reacted with concern to the current situations arising from the abuse in the use of toxic agrochemicals and harmful in general for the life of the planet, significantly damaging the soil and consequently the development of living organisms in it.

NOTE: Reference material.

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