Dtube : The good, the bad, and the improvements to be made.

Dtube is an interesting alternative to the big, bad video service that loves screwing over its userbase. Overall, I love the theory behind it - a website where users gain revenue through a blockchain rather than being at the mercy of the advertising companies. However that's not to say it doesn't have several small and big issues.

The first of the big problems it has is that the service offers no accessibility for slower connections. On youtube, the compression systems work exceptionally well, while also having several quality options allowing you to switch all the way down to 122p if you are struggling to view that darned video. Dtube could certainly benifit from having H.265 compatibility for the sake of compression, as well as to have the ability to deliver content at lowered resolutions.

All that said, being able to watch content is one issue, but the other is having decent choice in what to watch. Dtube could greatly benifit from having a video category system, and setting the front page up to show the different genres you can pick between. This way, if you are interested in a gaming video, analysis video, or of course, one of the many conspiracy videos that have flooded the sight, you can select which style of video you would like to watch, rather than being flooded by a barrage of the exact same style of content. Personally I consider myself a massive fan of video game long form analysis, and I am disappointing that there is no easy way for me to find such content on the site.

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