Cristian pray and miracle

Hy friends ,
I am telling u about cristian life and they believe in jesus.

`Most American Christians are only knowledgeable about God through the Book. However, while my natural father was alive, I did not know him through reading his book - especially since he never wrote a book. I knew my father because I lived with him and spent time with him. I knew his voice, his footstep and his moods. I knew he loved me because we had sufficient shared experiences to prove he loved me.
I have the same kind of "knowledge" of God in Christ Jesus. Walking in the Spirit is not the result of book study and application of book principles. Walking in the Spirit is living in the Spirit, being lead by the Spirit and communicating in the Spirit. The results are what the book points towards, but are impossible to experience merely by following book principles.


And their prayer place is church


And they believe in bible .

Introduction :
Christianity is the religion that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Bible. The duration of the last seven weeks have taught me a lot more about Christianity and what it means to be a Christian. I do proclaim to be a Christian, and I was saved in November of 2008. I have always been in church my entire life, and my father and grandfather are both preachers. During this course I have learned a lot, but I would like to highlight three of my favorite topics in writing. The topic I will discuss first is if Jesus claimed to be God. Secondly I will talk about the reasons it does matter how a Christian lives their life. Lastly I will discuss whether or not Jesus needed to be born of a virgin.


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