Exciting development in Genetics as Scientist claim first gene-edited babies born

Exciting development in the field of Genetics as Chinese scientist He Jiankui claim the first gene-edited babies were born using the CRISPR-Cas9. This sound like something out of a science fiction story but some of the many promises of CRISPR-Cas9 gene are being realized. For those who aren't aware of CRISPR-Cas9 it is simply a tool that scientist use to cut your DNA an make modification that add/remove gene. In other words if the title above "Exciting development in Genetics as Scientist claim first gene-edited babies born" were your DNA, I the scientist can use CRISPR-Cas9 an make modification like "Exciting development in Genetics as Scientist He Jiankui claim first gene-edited babies born" and thus the addition of 'He Jiankui'. The implication of this new development is exciting as there was no adverse effects on the babies from the changes but time is needed to fully evaluate the effectiveness and whether the changes achieve its objectives. The scientist in this case inserted a gene/mutation that gives these baby girls an advantage with regard to the HIV virus, making it impossible for these baby girls to get infected with the virus

Video credits: CGTN

Nonetheless, time is needed and HIV is versatile by nature but the application of this technology in this regard is a great achievement. This results certainly opens the door for further research and possible search for other gene or what I like to refer to as advantageous mutation. It is important to note that many of you reading probably carry one of these mutation that give you and advantage but you just aren't aware of it, lets, "Tom never catches the common cold or All of her sisters are diagnosed with breast cancer but for some reason Jane seem to be free of it". Given this trendy headline I like to introduce folks to one of the projects I am involve in EDNA and the above problem we hope to give some light on. We want to utilize blockchain technology and give you the private keys to your DNA so that you can explore its potential. We want to create a market where you earn from the potential of what exist in your DNA while leveraging it to help others. Please visit https://edna.life/ and discover and learn with us, be part of the first 5000 people to go on-chain. Its an ambitious project, we are open to developers especially gifted coders there just so much to do but the talent is limited.

To keep things in perspective, probably your DNA holds the answer to Breast cancer or melanoma, probably its a gene/ mutation that can be isolated and reproduce and that could be the start of something special, a market that benefits you and others but more important helps humanity while at the same time financially empowering you. This is the time, this isn't science fiction, its possible in our generation, lets lay down the foundation that end the suffering of the generation to come. This isn't a lambo project, we want to be results driven, we want to scale it on a global stage, if developments above interest you, please check out EDNA website above and find out more.

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