Crisper Babies!

No we are not tossing babies into frying pans.
That idea played out some time ago.

From the story:

CRISPR babies scientist He Jiankui should not be villainized — or headed to prison


When I saw the news that He Jiankui and colleagues had been sentenced to three years in prison for the first human embryo gene editing and implantation experiments, all I could think was, “How will we look back at what they had done in 100 years?”

When the scientist described his research and revealed the births of gene edited twin girls at the International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong in late November 2018, I stayed up into the early hours of the morning in Oakland, Calif., watching it.
Afterward, I couldn’t sleep for a few days and couldn’t stop thinking about his achievement.

This was the first time a viable human embryo was edited and allowed to live past 14 days, much less the first time such an embryo was implanted and the baby brought to term.

When you are ready to begin your trip down dna lane, you can get your supplies from the original.

I, personally, am conflicted about letting this technology out into the wild.

But, then I remember that the Gates Foundation holds the patent on a corona virus, ran a simulation that killed millions, and comes from a long line of eugenicists.
This leads me to believe that they are the very last people that should have exclusive access to this technology.

If folks outside that sphere of influence don't know how to counter whatever comes out of the labs of those that will kill us to stay in control of us, then we are in a creek, without a paddle.

Do you really want that neighbor brat concocting dna soup in his momma's garage?
Then why would you condone the Gate's doing it in their's?

It's not like the genie will get back in the bottle, better we have folks ready to go in the event of another escape from the biolabs of the world.

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