NYT op-ed: Turn prisons to colleges


I have vast disdain for the NYT, WashPO (since Bezos), and my hometown Chicago Trib, just a few out of the many mainstream news sources that have dumbed down the masses for decades. And while the uninformed and ignorant may squack at a non-existent liberal bias, those who are aware, conscious, woke, or otherwise just paying attention, know that the NYT is rooted in and celebratory of fascism. From ignoring the holocaust, to lying us into wars to continued negation of POC voices, the NYT is the rosetta stone of the billionaire fascist set. But one in a while a good opnion piece still manages to bubbe through the miasma. Don't critique/comment this until you've read it.


#criminaljustice #prisonreform #education #bettersociety

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