Life of Dennis episode 3

Good morning it is currently 7:59am while writing this and lets start with the third episode. Thank you to all upvotes and comments from last episode! And i decided to put in german swear word meanings: Fotze-cunt ,miststük-bitch/bastard ,Sohn einer hündin- son of a bitch.

Dennis finishes his meal and heads out to get a new outfit for the night. He goes to an Armani shop to get jeans and new shoes. After that he had always wanted an gucci belt he got one next door for 1500 dollars. He drove home hung up the clothes and looked at his wallet where there was only 5000$ remaining. "Shit tonight better go smooth or its back to James and his fotze thugs." As the evening rolls in he dresses up grabs his brass knuckles and pocket knife leaving the gun at home. He arrives at the club and enters through the back door arriving in Francises office. "Ahh Denny shi motherfucker looking mean laughs anyways there is a good spot at the bar that is elevated a bit so you can have a good overview of the place. And don't go easy on them if you see anybody selling alright?" Dennis nods and puts his brass knuckles in his back pocket. "If i get the fotze i bring him here but does it matter if dead or alive?" Francis laughs "I prefer them alive but i like the dedication" Dennis leaves laughing and goes to his spot. Not even an hour there and he spots someone. Dennis approaches them calmly and taps on their shoulder "Hey i need to talk to you real quick." The guy turns around with fear in his eyes and Dennis grabs him by the hand and leads him to the office. As they step in Dennis sits the guy down near a glass table and Francises thugs search him they find weed and some blow. Francis slowly turns around in his chair and looks at him. "Who the fuck is your dealer?" The guy sits silent. Francis makes a hand motion to what Dennis smashes his head trough the table. "Motherfucker better talk or im gonna make you eat the broken pieces" Dennis holds him down as he starts to talk. The man ratted everyone out and everyone who was selling currently. They took him down to the bar and started pointing out the sellers. Within seconds every seller was tackled and took outside. One of them started running but Dennis was hot on his tail he could run 40 meters until Dennis tackled him. Dennis didn't hold back and took out the brass knuckles he took him outside and they beat all the sellers until none of them looked familiar anymore. They threw them in the van and dropped off a couple blocks away. While in the van with a another black guy called Eyes Dennis felt akward and started some small talk. "Sohn einer hündin that was fun. Fuck is every night here like this?" Eyes turns down the radio. "Almost man never short of action here. Shit i remember one time the cops were here like 7 guys got locked away for the same shit." They talked all the way back. Finally back he reported back to Francis. "So if im correct the club is clear now?" Francis lighting a cigar "Fuck ye nigga great job out there. Now that i know your loyal lets talk business. I got a shipment of weed coming in and im short a man. I need someone to accept it and im sure you are the man for it." Dennis nods as he sits down. "Yeah sure,sure when is it and how much we talking?" Francis grins "2 days from now some small time mexicans are bringing in 100kg of weed. A small house near the citys outskirts thats where your gonna meet. You will be picked up and dropped off. You got a gun?" Dennis stops combing his hair "Ofcourse why you asking? They some shady miststück?" Francis opens his tables secret drawer and gives Dennis a 1911 thompson handgun. "Here an upgrade. No they aint mistuker or whatever, first time buying from them thats why." Dennis looks at the gun and puts it between his belt hidden under the shirt. "Oh okay then it would be smart yeah to carry a gun." Francis hands Dennis an envelope "You did good Denny in that envelope there is a 1000$ not much but its a start if the weed thing goes off smooth im sure that amount triples" Dennis nods and heads home. Arriving home he takes the money and goes to a local tattoo shop. He gets a brass knuckles tattoo on his right hand. After that he gets an bottle of whisky some cigars and goes home to fade away again. At home staring at the tattoo and thinking again. "Fotze tonight was intense i better not fuckin have to keep doing this i fear a fast end to me if i have to do that" He finishes the bottle and falls asleep.

Hope you enjoyed! Forgot to mention last episode @supermeatboy for the idea of character changing! Also thank you @dreamm for getting me into Estonian Steemit discord!

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