Episode 5! Dennis is back!

Hello! Episode 5 the weed deal has went off smooth and now time to take a look in Dennises bad history.

Dennis takes his car out for a cruise picking up some weed and whisky. Heads back to his apartment which is dirty empty bottles everywhere ash trays full, smelling like alcohol and tobacco. He turns on the radio and starts drinking. Rolling a joint and lighting it he takes a few hits and falls back to the couch. He starts thinking about his past in Germany. Growing up in Berlin with no parents. Out in the streets tagging walls. Begging for money and if needed to stealing it. He lived at friends houses different house everyday. He helped his friends with bully's at school usually beating their ass and taking their money. He had been collecting money for a car but when heard about USA and a new start he decided to come here.
He knew he had no other choice but to come to USA because he was too much in debt in Germany and people looking for him. With not much waiting for him in Berlin and no future in Germany at all he loaned some money and disappeared. In USA he knew nobody would be looking for him nor hunting him for their money. Dennis opens his eyes and looks around his apartment he goes to his bathroom where the sink is covered with blood and the knife right next to the sink. He looks in the mirror again and takes the knife. He takes the knife and looks at his arms what are full of scars. He starts to cry he sits down and keeps drinking while holding the knife in one hand and the whisky in the other hand. He turns off the lights and looks into the mirror screaming he sees someone else's face there and gets scared. He approaches the mirror and looks into his eyes and drops the bottle. He takes the knife and cuts himself across his left cheek leaving a huge bloody wound. He washes his face and goes to his bed. He lies down looking into the ceiling and hearing someone at the door. He goes to answer and it's James his old boss. James storms in closing the door "Shit Dennis they are after me... fucking fuck." Dennis looks at him confused "Fotze was is das? What the fuck are you doing here. What happened?" James goes to the living room and pulls the curtains peeking trough them "The fucking feds they caught on to my operation... give me your car Dennis i will pay you as soon as im safe" Dennis tosses him the keys and James storms out of the apartment and speeds away. Dennis goes back to his bed and falls asleep.

This Episode was written live at Thank you for reading and keeping up with the story everybody. Love the feedback and im trying to post more now.

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