Episode 4! Weed Deal!

Hello! Starting episode 4 with the Weed deal were we left off. Thank you for all the upvotes and comments loving your support!

Dennis wakes up the morning of the deal. He does his morning routine of pushups brushes his teeth and heads out. Under his leather jacket he has his 1911 handgun in the holster loaded with a full magazine and 2 magazines in spare. A knife hidden at his ankle under his roughed up jeans. He heard his phone ring and answered it and was told to come outside. He got in the car with 3 other strangers. “So you must be Denny the guy that Francis vouched for.” Dennis nods and opens the briefcase to check the money and says. “If we get there, we kill the sellers and take the weed and the money” The guys look at him weird “The fuck? The plan is all setup for us.” Dennis opens the door of the car while driving. “I can go right now. We do it this way I do not trust them, and if we can fucked over by your plan I’m out of there. You can deal with that shit.” The guys nod and drive to the meetup. Arriving there Dennis loads his gun and looks at the other guys before getting out of the car. The guys walk up to the house and enter it before entering Dennis says. “I bet there are six guys I’m going to take the main guy one is by the window and two at the door 2 at the table. Somebody needs to take 2 guys down maybe one stays at the door next to them.” They go in and men take their positions a few words into the deal and Dennis pulls the gun and shoots the dealer and the guy at the window. The other guys pull the guns also and take out the other guys. They take the weed around the back and put it in the car. Dennis meanwhile sets the house on fire to erase any evidence. They get in the car and drive back to the city. They meet up with Francis and give him the money and the weed. Francis looks at the men weird. “How? What happened?” A man steps up to talk but Dennis starts talking “We killed them and took the weed. We burned the place down no evidence.” Francis looks at Dennis with fire in his eyes and then starts laughing. “My nigga you did the right thing, never trusted them and you did the right choice. Good job all of you for believing him.” Francis opens the suitcase and hands the 3 other guys 10 thousand dollars. Then gives the rest of the suitcase to Dennis. “You did good out there Denny I appreciate your choices. Come to dinner with me next week going to meet some new business partners you know what I mean?” Dennis smiles and leaves with the suitcase. He goes home throws the suitcase in the corner and falls to his bed. He looks up to the ceiling and starts daydreaming. “Fotze why did I kill them fuck… they didn’t need to die but they were Mexicans refugees like JEWS they needed to be killed yes yes I did good. Dennis goes to the bathroom and looks at himself again. He takes the knife he has used to cut himself earlier he looks at him and sees the scar from the last time he looks in the mirror and slowly slides the knife over his lower chin area cutting into it and bleeding. After washing the blood and cleaning everything he goes back to sleep. Before going to sleep he takes some sleeping pills so it would be easier and not get nightmares. He slides the suitcase under his bed and still hasn’t opened it.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed expect a new one on Wednesday.

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