The Markel Adelson saga continues.

A new development in the trial of two of the suspects in the 2014 murder of Florida State law professor Dan Markel. The two people on trial, Sigfredo Garcia and Katherine Magbanua are respectively, one of the two hired guns who murdered Dan, and the woman who was allegedly the go-between connecting the killers to the people who hired them. The latter, authorities believe, were the mother and brother of Dan's ex-wife Wendi Adelson; they wanted Dan out of the way so Wendy could have sole custody of their two kids.

Luis Riversa, the second killer, has long since confessed to the crime and turned states' evidence. But the prosecution believes they need Magbanua to turn as well, in order to get at the Adelsons. Magbanua is also (probably not coincidentally) the ex-girlfriend of Wendi's brother Charlie Adelson. If she is convicted, prosecutors should have more leverage against her.

This saga has now been grinding on for almost five years. I feel bad for Dan's parents, who will have to endure another delay - and meanwhile are denied contact with their grandchildren (Wendi Adelson has also changed their last names from Markel to her own).

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