Women Should Be Careful Of The Rape Card.


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As a young girl growing up in the deep heart of a state in Nigeria, I could remember some of my conversations with friends. I could remember when we were talking about how a lady you've never come across will wake up one day and accuse you of rape and the sad thing is people will believe her and call on the "crucifixion" of the innocent man. A Nigerian reading this article will understand what I'm trying to say better. In most cases, people don't bother investigating because it's always your words again hers.

Most guys grew up with the fear of possibly being in this kind of situation one day. But then, rape is not an easy issue, it's a serious matter, women didn't bank on this seeming victim's power, rape accusations were reserved for actual cases. Today, all we see is a dangerous change because the rape weapon is becoming overused and I can say it with boldness that it would affect women negatively. The recent trends of popular culture and cultivating a form of victim's culture for women is something women should thread carefully with or it is literally going to blow up in their faces.

The moment a woman accuses a man of rape, he's guilty by default. Several men has been destroyed by this, several careers has been destroyed due to this and many are languishing in prison, serving jail terms is what they know nothing about.

This article is inspire by the recent ruckus between that Twitter lady and her online boyfriend. Let's be considerate. They were dating for crying out loud. They visited each other and had sex. After few months, things didn't go as planned and the next thing she could do is to accuse him of rape. That's absurd. With the evidences, this isn't a rape case but rape accusation was the weapon. I'm not here to discuss the incident, Twitter is doing that already.

I just feel like addressing this famous victim's culture women are cultivating and the negative implications it will have on women everywhere. With the number of false accusations flying around, the number of innocent men destroyed by these false accusation and the usage of the rape victim card for personal comebacks will have negative consequences on the women folk because a time is coming when people won't believe a rape accusation from a woman again due to the fact that most people are realizing that women are using it as a weapon just to punish a man who offends them. This will be so unfortunate because it will be disastrous to the actual rape victims.

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