My story!

This is about me and a person who is so dear and highly valued by me,I place my mum on a very high pedestal,words will fail me to describe the love I have for my mum,its unquantifiable in measurement,commemorating the good times I have had with her,every moments with her counts,the nice words she always say to me,anytime we walk together she likes introducing me to her friends,anytime she sends me on an errand and I don't return on time she is worried,every important date in my life she ensures she calls me up and convey her regards and prayers,the care she offers me is immeasurable in all ramifications,the love I have for her has occupied a large area of my heart.It is quite unfortunate that I lost my mum in the cold hands of death,my mum passed on few weeks back and this has been a huge loss to me,its a big blow to me,I began to ask how can I live without my mum there for me, remembering those good times I have had with her,with all I have in mind to do for her by the time I graduate from the university,her death created a big vacuum in my mind,who can replace her? That is what I keep saying. It is so pathetic and devastating that I am going through this at this time of my life,I will not fail to mention that I have invested a lot of finances in my academics,and considering my position in my home as the first son a lot is required from me,currently I am required to come home and sort out a few things,but somewhat short of cash,so as a result,I humbly solicit the steemit community financial support,to be able to face this trying times,and I know God who is the great comforter will comfort me and see me through,I pray God bless everyone of us,thanks for your understanding and in anticipation for your support.

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