Sound Waves and the Analog of life

Sound is Movement of Air.

A waveform of information propagating through a medium in space,
it hits our ears,
hits the literal eardrum in our heads.

We hear the sound. Our brain interacts, we can even imagine sounds in our head.

Look at the gif, you can hear it:

We transact with the info and listen. Sound waves are a primary form of universal input, but we can only hear a spectrum of the frequencies.

This spectrum contains all possible iterations of the creations,
the harmony and discord,
the signal and noise,
contained within.

From Operas to 90's Hip Hop.


Ultra Sound and Infra Sound are the hidden variables. They're out there, they're out there right now.

Sounds can travel through all forms of matter, through any medium. We've built Technology around sound. From our headphones to NASA picking sound waves off of jupiter:

Listen to Jupiter


Pressure and time. Creation in mind.

A soundscape of Info crashes and wanes

Our creations go swimming, never the same

rhythm n distance speed and resistance

enjoy the sounds on earth lounge

Sound waves are 3D paintings.

Listen to Max Roach and you'll know what I mean. Get through the german intro, skip to 2 min in. Some of the greatest sound waves caught on earth.


They say to be mindful and be grateful for one thing in your life everyday.

I'm grateful for being able to experience the world of sound.

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