The Good News Blog 3. Bringing you Inspiration every week.

I have been consciously spending some time each week looking for positive story’s, breakthrough studies, heart-warming moments, inspiring songs, which keep my little candle light flickering through the negative news tornado. I am going to try a weekly Good News post, to share that upliftment and positivity with others, because we need it.

You can shift your perspective. The internet may be many scary things, but it is one of our greatest tools for moving forward in my opinion. Start using it Wisely!

Image Courtesy of @riverflows

World’s Largest Beach Clean Up

We all know that humans are/have caused environmental devastation. A young lawyer/environmentalist Afroz Shah sprung to action when he moved to a new apartment near Versova beach, Mumbai. This was a neglected strip near the ocean in the slums. The levels of pollution he saw totally shocked him, the beach was covered in rotting rubbish. It was impossible to walk along the beach, the smell was putrid, and the plastic was reportedly 5.5ft high.

"I said I'm going to come on the field and do something. I have to protect my environment and it requires ground action."

To begin with, Shah and his 84-year-old neighbour would go out collecting as much trash as they could. But he quickly realised that it would take much more work and man power than that to make even a dent in what was technically an environmental crisis. He began going door to door, talking with locals, educating them about the damaging effects of pollution. He inspired dozens of people, then hundreds, and eventually sparked the largest beach clean-up ever undertaken.

Over 21 months, thousands of volunteers from all walks of life picked up 11,684,500 lbs of garbage, mostly plastic which had accumulated along the shoreline. They cleaned 52 public toilets and planted 50 coconut trees.
Shah told the UN “I’m an ocean lover and feel that we owe a duty to our ocean to make it free of plastic, I just hope this is the beginning of coastal communities across India and the world”. He was awarded the Champion of the Earth award by the UN, rightfully so.


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Next time you feel like you cant make a change by yourself, remember this story. This is a result of a single man’s vision and efforts.

Parenting Skills Level 100.

I felt the need to share this 2minute video after being moved to tears by it. This dad is nailing it, guidance like this as a child would have saved me from a tremendous whirlwind of emotional suffering, with more and more highly sensitive souls coming in now this video is an example to all. Hero Dad.

Anonymous Santa Pays for dozens of Customers tabs at Walmart

Unsuspecting Walmart customers in Vermont had a surprise visit from ‘Santa’ last week. An anonymous man calling himself Santa was photographed entering the store wearing a New England Patriots jacket. He paid for every single item on layaway (item’s which were being paid for in instalments, for those of us not familiar with that term, I had to look it up). The store was not allowed to reveal how much money he had spent or how many people he helped that day, but based on the amount of gifts that were stacked on the stores layaway shelves, it was rather a lot.


I couldn’t find a decent funny story this week, so I am posting this short 2 minute video of the Hindu Priest Dandapani- this will make you consider how to wisely focus your finite energy daily!

When a little boy sends a Birthday Card to his deceased Father in the mail, a Postman steps up to bring comfort!

Scottish 7-year-old Jase Hyndman posted a Birthday card for his deceased father in the mail, on the front of the envelope where there should have been an address, Jase wrote:

Mr Post man, could you please take this to heaven for my dads birthday, thanks.

The story did not end there, Sean Milligan, an assistant delivery office manager from the Uk’s mail service was so touched by this that he wrote a response to Jase, letting him know the card was in good hands and on its way to heaven.

“Dear Jase,” reads the letter. “While we’ve been delivering your post, we’ve become aware of some concerns. So I just wanted to take this opportunity to contact you about how we succeeded in the delivery of your letter, to your dad in heaven. This was a difficult challenge avoiding stars and other galactic objects on route to heaven. I will continue to do all I can to ensure delivery to heaven safely,” it concluded.

Jase and his mother Teri were overwhelmed by this gesture of compassion.

“I actually cannot state how emotional he is knowing his dad got his card. You didn’t have to make the effort to do this you could have just ignored it, but the fact that you have made the effort for a little boy you’ve never met is such a lovely thing to do. Royal Mail, you’ve just restored my faith in humanity and thank you, it honestly means the world to him.”

This act of compassion also moved me to tears, this is who we truly are.


Inspirational Music

This week I am sharing the artist Nattali Rize, this song called One People is absolutely stunning and on point, beautiful and powerful words. For those of you who don’t know, when you hear the term Babylon in reggae music in a nut shell it is referring to oppression/opressors.

If you want a higher dose of positive vibes you can check out Good News 1 & Good News 2.

Never wish them pain. That’s not who you are. If they caused you pain, they must have pain inside. Wish them healing. That’s what they need.

Much Love

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