Tapping Into the Creative Flow of Energy

As I sat to write this article, I started to think about a few different topics I could write on - but they just didn’t seem to be working. I tried to build an outline and write it out, but every word felt like a struggle. This made me realize that I was trying to create something outside of the flow of energy - which rarely turns out well.

I have learned to listen to that voice and realize that even though the topics I was planning to write about are important, and that I DO have a good message to share… I’m just not meant to share it today.

I usually create video content for my channel (@coruscate here) and have found these same principles to be true. If something feels like work, or doesn’t come running out of me like a waterfall – then it is usually a good sign that I need to table that topic and come back to it another day.

Riding the Waive of Creative Energy

If we can tune into our inner wisdom – she (or he!) will usually guide us to exactly where we need to be. One of my absolute favorite feelings in the entire world is when I literally “catch the wave” of creative energy. I find myself completely zoned into the moment – and one idea or thought seems to flow seamlessly into the next. I have learned to not try and harness or do anything with this flow, but just allow it to be and see where it leads. My best ideas and most inspired pieces of content have come from such bursts of creative energy!

Don’t Force It

In this day and age of “Go, Go, Go”, there is a certain expectation to perform and to produce. I think that people can truly feel your energy through your blog or vlog. If something seems strained or low on inspiration, then it won’t be very captivating for your audience. They will quickly grow bored of your content… because you yourself are bored!

Jot Down your Ideas!

In my experience, inspiration goes in waves – which is why I’ve learned to write down as many ideas or thoughts as I can when inspiration hits. It helps me to feel re-energized again if I am having a day or a couple of days where I am not feeling drawn in a certain direction. It all comes back to listening to your body and inner compass. Just because I felt inspired for an idea one day, doesn’t mean that I will the next. It's okay to admit that something just isn't flowing for some reason that day and move on.

Listen to Your Body

I love looking through my list of content ideas and seeing how my skin reacts to the topic. What makes me feel electric and excited? Usually one or two topics will really jump off the page. If nothing seems to be grabbing me – then, perhaps now is not a good time to create. Maybe my body needs something else right now… to relax, or to learn, or to connect with others. I don’t always achieve this level of flow with my body – but it is something I strive for.

Beyond Content

These ideas of living in a state of flow and riding the waves of creative energy can apply to any area of your life! There are some of us who go into a day job where perhaps we don’t have the option to “Opt out of doing something” if the time doesn’t feel right – which I think is a shame. If companies could find space to honor this kind of mindset, I think they would be overwhelmed with brilliant ideas and incredible work from their employees.

I imagine there are some who would take advantage of such a free-flow state though, and so I can see why companies are so regimented. Still, I dream of the day where I fully work for myself and can tune in with my body at any point in the day to follow this flow of energy.

What Helps You Get in a Space of Flow?

For me, it's letting go of time constraints. If I feel rushed to do certain things, or be somewhere by a certain time - it really seems to kill my creative mojo. My most creative moments seem to be when I'm taking a bath, or just getting lost playing music. It's amazing how when I just stop and let the moment unfold naturally - I am sometimes flooded with thoughts, ideas and inspiration.

I am curious what this process looks like for you? Do you find there are certain things that either spark creativity, or diminish it?

Thank you so much for reading and I can't wait to discuss this further in the comments!

With Love,

Lea - @coruscate

"The Muse Project is a collective of women, leaders, creators, and all around super natural beings that provide their personal content to support a more balanced presence on the blockchain." Read our Mission Statement here.

Cover photo created by @coruscate. The other images are kindly provided by pixabay.com.

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