The H word!

I love WORDS,


Spoken, written, whispered, sung or shouted.......
They take me by the hand into vast tracts of ideas and thoughts, fact and fiction.

I wander in those lush green valleys as my imagination is
tickled, tantalised, titivated, horrified, mesmerised and so thoroughly entertained that I would think that I might be tired at the end of the day. But no, I go to bed and curl up with a good book until my eyelids rest.

Today I'm playing with the word HAIRY.
The word is usually used as an adjective, sometimes a noun .......

Own picture
It's HAIRY .....named Hubert, Harry or Hound.

It's HAIRY, horrible and even horendous.

It's HAIRY hastening, hustling and horrifying.

Own photograph
They're HAIRY and handsome?
HAIRY and hated!
Heaven or hell, for you to decide.

It is interesting that in colloquial (day to day) language.............
HAIRY can mean SCARY!

Hazardous, horrifying and hell
(your heavenly, happy place?)

Hellish hurricane Hester horrifies!

She wears a hard hat and a habit in days long gone. Hard hooves hammer before the hiGH jump.

I'm sure you've noticed (even been bewildered by) the use of H words throughout my post.
The repetition of any sound is called alliteration
It's to make your tongue curl around the repetitive sounds if you say them out loud and to entertain you. You even might be seduced into learning some of them because they sound good rolling from your lips.

Lastly I introduce you to the HAIRY Bikers, David and Simon who are famous chefs. They often travel around on their motor bikes finding delicious recipes in interesting places. They are famous for their TV show.

They could be called HIRSUTE - extra hairy........long hair, beards and moustaches.
My mother would have called them scruffy. You might think them 'handsome hunks'.
There is no accounting for taste.
One thing! Thank goodness that we are all different.

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