The importance of recharging - no not your phone. You.


We were camping. It was summer, in the Australian bush. A national park near the beach. Me and my girlfriend of the time (hi Ado😊) had my kombi van. Others had kombis and station wagons and tents and sleeping bags. Cold beer, eskies, hammocks.

Man I loved that old kombi - so many good memories - especially the music festivals..

So we were camping, but camping our way.

Lazing around after swimming, laughing. Enjoying each other's company. Letting go the stress and hassles of the uni exams just gone. It was so good just to relax.

Smiles, fun, beer, talking.

Then, as part of the conversation, Noel said: Relaxing is an art form. It takes practice - and a lot of people don't know how to do it.

It doesn't just happen - you have to work at it.

Do you know those moments in your life when you hear a profound truth? And you know it's profound, and you know its true because your whole way of looking at the world suddenly shifts?

This was one of those moments for me.


It is a moment I have never forgotten, though it happened over 20 years ago.

And I have discovered too, that my creative brain needs nurturing. My need to express my ideas, to consciously journey through the land of dreams (or try to) and write music sublime or silly (or try to), needs a well nourished creative side. I need to relax. And I need to practice relaxing.

The weekend is the perfect time to grab some me-time. It doesn't matter what I do, but I have to do something to recharge my creative self.

Because it's is the part of me who I most want to be.

If you enjoyed this, you may also want to check out my very basic introduction to meditation:


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