01.08.19 : On Vinyl


Yesterday was truly an experimental day for me.

With heaps of test pouring mixes left over from the night before I decided why not add a spanner in the works and pour on vinyl?

And while I'm at it why not add a couple of drops of silicone in the mix just to make things extra confusing lol.


Pouring on vinyl has been on my to do list for a while. It seemed a great way to recycle old records and I really do like round "canvases". There's just something so right about them.

Wasting no time, I combined the water + glue and the 100ml glue + 50ml floetrol + 25ml water pre mixed acrylics together to make up the paint quantities I needed to cover the vinyl along with 1 drop of silicone in the pink, grey and purple colours. I also used a pre mixed blue that I already had in my stash for extra colour.

As per the dutch pour method I got the old hair dryer out to do its thing and immediately cells began to form instantly reminding me why I didn't like using silicone.


For me, I feel it's too invasive and leaves such huge cells on the canvas.

Maybe I'm using too much silicone? But I swear I only used 1 small drop for each colour 🤷🏻‍♀️

In the meantime

Here are the pva glue test canvases from the night before. I don't know if you can see how glossy they are compared to the two below them.


Can you see it from this angle?


I'm thinking I'm really liking the glossy effect pva glue beings to the table. Makes me wonder what it'd look like with varnish...

Today is finally my dedicated pouring day.

I've been trying to clear up time for painting all week and I reckon today's the day ~ well I hope anyway!

Got a few things I want to try out and some coasters to recycle to try them on. Wish me luck you guys!

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